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blood420 wrote:
I was sergeant but now I am not. Im not sure if this is part of the system or not. Just curious.

4myGod wrote:
I haven't seen you in a while. Welcome back?

Ranks will be gained and lost quite easily. Your rank depends on how good the players are that you have beat and how many times you beat them. If you go to your Standings page in your profile you can see that you beat everyone only once. If you look at their standings you can see how well they are doing. The majority of them are lost many more games than they won. Therefor they won't help you much in gaining rank. You need to beat someone with a good standings page.
blood420 wrote:
ah, I see. Thanks :] Yeah with all the holiday stuff going on I have been busy. Good to be back.
WithAQuickness wrote:
I just joined today so I was wondering what's a standings page? haven't seen any links for that.
4myGod wrote:
In the top right corner you will see your name as a link, next to "Logout". Click your name. That's a public profile of your account that you and everyone else can see. That's where your standings page is. It's a record of you games vs players. It shows how many games you played vs a player and who is up.

For example if you played 3 games against a player and won all 3, you are above him by 3. So your tally is 3. If you play 3 games and win 2 and he wins 1, then you are only up by 1, becuase you've only won one more game than him. So your tally is 1. The standings page shows a list of these tally's, they determine your rank.