I would like to report a game
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Shrike wrote:
I would like to report game 300228 (4 Players).

A player bragged about suicide simply to fulfill a grudge from a previous game.

The other players were kind enough to let me recover... However, I feel the whole balance of the game was thrown by the unethical player. (Most of it is there in chat, plain as day. I can find the previous game he references, if you need it.)

(Note: This isn't sour grapes -- I WON. But I feel the game was unbalanced by his actions.)
Crystal wrote:
You should use the report a player tab in game and have the rest of the players in the game do the same. If you need to report a game to have points returned, please message an admin (elysium5 or me) directly. Most other game issues can be handled by the mods (MAPS, OldDogGen, and lifeinpixels).
Shrike wrote:
Thank you. I actually spent a fair amount of time trying to find the right place/way to report things.