Another Use for Tokens
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lifeinpixels wrote:
What do you guys think of spending a few tokens to promote a pending game to the top of the list?I know with games I've created that if it doesn't start in a couple days, it takes much longer to start because players don't like sifting through a list of 50-100 pending games. Alternatively, we could subtly highlight games for a small fee. I think this would be another great use for tokens.

The price would have to be balanced at a point where not everyone is able to buy this (otherwise it would be useless), but not too high that it is not worth the cost. While it could work for both live and long term games, I think the latter would be much more beneficial. Maybe they would have separate costs. Is this something that people are interested in, and would it be hard to implement?
Vexer wrote:
It wouldn't be that hard to implement but it would be so far down the priority list that it might never get done. We have quite a backlog right now and Matty is taking a break.