losing much points
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dimceto wrote:
I have one idea about the losing points in game. My idea is: if i lose game and i lose points but I want to lose less points if i got killed but anyone and he to kill me with very luck or if I got bad dice and luck to lose less points. Or if i got very luck and i lose then i to lose more points. I have this idea from my games because i play and one player destroyed my capitel with very luck (he attack with 15 troops vs 3, after 1 and my 20 troops and he killed me and after i lose 40 points and it's totally unfair. Please accept my idea.
True-Detective wrote:
Finding out if a player has lost because of bad luck is actually very hard, you mentioned the attack on your cap, that is very simple if there were only you two, but think of the butterfly effect it would have in a 8-player game if you had cards.

I think we should all accept that some times we lose for our bad luck and sometimes we win with luck.