Punishment for Rule Breakers
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bluebird005vis wrote:
You are a hypocrite Clarke, I attacked an undefended territory for a tradecard and you went ballistic and suicided.
The rules are very clear , you should allways play to win NOT to get even.
But clearly you don't want to understand the difference.
You are the last person who should make any suggestions about banning players for not following the rules because you sure don't.
Sygmassacre wrote:
I too went through a phase where I adopted this strategy early on in my time here. I was playing mostly Caribbean 3player games and thought it was a wise thing to have that reputation. All it did was irk others into not wanting to play with me so I soon dropped the attitude and improved my tactics. Give Clarke a bit of time and he will too realise this is not the right attitude and will adjust his tactics accordingly (well I hope so)
A Harmonic Generator Intermodulator
bluebird005vis wrote:
Oh well another ruined game then, hé?
But when you call it the clarke blowup, I wonder how often he has used this.
Perhaps we should take this approach to all rulebreakers?
They will learn eventually, and if they don't well that'll suck but hé that's life I suppose.
Why have any rules at all? They'll learn won't they?