There are too many
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lifeinpixels wrote:
So I understand that it would be unfair to ask players to stop mass producing hundreds of identical games, since they are supporting the site with premium. However, I hate how cluttered the long term game lobby has become, and I'm sure I'm not the only one.

My suggested solution would be to automatically sort all identical games (same author, settings, etc.) under a tab, similar to the organization of many computer file systems. That way, those who want to join all the games, or even just join some with the players they like, are easily able to expand the list of games. But, for everyone else, the group of games only takes up as much screen real estate as one normal game. Of course there would be some indicator that it is a group of games in a tab and not just a single game.

What do you guys think? Easy to implement?
Sygmassacre wrote:
I play on my phone and as a result cant make it to the bottom of the list (can hardly make it past half way down the list) before my phone re-directs me to the top again. Mediterranean caps looks like the game of choice for the time being until I can get access to a pc
A Harmonic Generator Intermodulator
Vexer wrote:
We have been discussing a solution to this problem in the staff forums. Pixels idea is basically what we came up with. Unfortunately it's hard to get motivated to write the code to fix a problem that doesn't need to exist if players would just be considerate and limit themselves to 5 of the same game at the same time.
scaldwell17 wrote:
I was considering recommending the same thing, lifeinpixels. Alternatively, a search function could narrow all the entries just to the game types a given user is interested in. Doesn't fix problems like Sygmassacre's, but certainly for me I would appreciate the ability to hide all the game types I'm not interested in.
lifeinpixels wrote:
Yeah, I'm pretty sure a filter system for game lobbies is in the works but won't be ready for a while at least. I can't wait till it comes out though.
BrewDog wrote:
I like the tab system by the map or game type, but understand its an inconvinience and not a problem. Vexer, would it be easier to set a limit on how many games one could create/have idle on the long term list? Say ten or so?
Cireon wrote:
BrewDog - Nov 1, 11:40 AM
I like the tab system by the map or game type, but understand its an inconvinience and not a problem. Vexer, would it be easier to set a limit on how many games one could create/have idle on the long term list? Say ten or so?
That was my suggestion as well, but I don't think people agree with that and this option was therefore not accepted :)
“This is how humans are: We question all our beliefs, except for the ones that we really believe in, and those we never think to question.”
- Speaker for the Dead, O.S. Card
lifeinpixels wrote:
You mean the tab system or the limiting of games? Why would people disagree with the tab system?
Matty wrote:
Nope, the limiting of games.

Imaging you just got premium, want to start those 11 special games you always wanted to have, and can't because some other freek once mass produced 20 equal games.

That's unfair right?
"Strength doesn't lie in numbers, strength doesn't lie in wealth. Strength lies in nights of peaceful slumbers." ~Maria
lifeinpixels wrote:
Yes I agree with that. We should not limit games like that, at least not at a small number like 10. Limits to 50 of the same type? That may be more reasonable (but still not a complete solution).
Matty wrote:
The problem with a big limit like that is that it's still possible to mass produce 20 games, and therefore doesn't fix anything :)

So in short, a limit is not a good solution.

The only perfect solution (for as far as I know) is a new LTG page, with smart filters and other supercool things:

But well, that requires alot of work, and unfortunately Vexer, Cireon and me all have a life :)
"Strength doesn't lie in numbers, strength doesn't lie in wealth. Strength lies in nights of peaceful slumbers." ~Maria
lifeinpixels wrote:
Of course it's not a solution, but it would prevent hundreds of the same games and that's better than nothing yeah?
Dferguson wrote:
how about a way to sort the games... so selecting a tab would place the games in alphabetical order so all the death match are group together then the domination then capitals... or select the point range tab and it will sort the most points needed to join to the games with none. but you could only sort by one tab at a time... sorting by multiple tabs may be harder to program.
lifeinpixels wrote:
lifeinpixels - Nov 1, 01:56 AM
Yeah, I'm pretty sure a filter system for game lobbies is in the works but won't be ready for a while at least. I can't wait till it comes out though.
Matty wrote:
I added a very simple filter that filters out the duplicate games, so this should be solved for now.

Well actually Vexer did all the work and I just added the checkbox to make it work :)
"Strength doesn't lie in numbers, strength doesn't lie in wealth. Strength lies in nights of peaceful slumbers." ~Maria