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sfhbballnut wrote:
the "My Games" tab that turns yellow and displays a number when its your turn in a game is displaying 6 for me when I have only one turn, and list does not reflect even the one. also in that one game (105), two people are listed as having it being their turn. 
Refreshed several times, no change, except that I started my turn in game 105 and it now show that as being my turn, but I can't end the turn there
-My name is Gladiator.
skanska wrote:
I had the same problem until I left it for a while and came back, it looked like the server was trying to catch up and was updating different parts at differetn times
wca wrote:
I have also had this bug.
When I started today the game thought I had 30 turns to take.
But now each time I play a turn, the count drops a few turns.
So I'm thinking once I play enough turns the problem should fix itself and the number will be back to normal.
sfhbballnut wrote:
things look fine now, everything seems to be working. 
Do the games on the my games page sort by how long until your turn? (meaning if it was your turn the game would be at the top of the list)
-My name is Gladiator.
wca wrote:
wca - Oct 25, 04:40 PM
I have also had this bug.
When I started today the game thought I had 30 turns to take.
But now each time I play a turn, the count drops a few turns.
So I'm thinking once I play enough turns the problem should fix itself and the number will be back to normal.

I was correct. I played a few more turns and now the counter is back to normal. Its all good.

4myGod wrote:
The sorting doesn't work anymore, it should be updated in the next update. First working on the important bugs such as cards not transferring after someone is defeated or things like that.