color codes possible??
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Zbynja wrote:
Hi guys, is it possible to add the option to switch on color codes for colorblind ppl? E.g. instead of just a ring with colored borders I could see smt like y7 (for yellow), g5 (for green) etc. Or any other symbols.. It is so hard for me to recognize players on the map now for certain colors.
Thanks much
Crystal wrote:
Currently we cannot do that, zbynja, but mods and admins can change th colors that are in game. For instance, if green and yellow are both in game, we can change one of the players to purple. If that helps, message one of us when you need the change.
Vexer wrote:
It's on the to do list but don't expect it for many months. Sorry.
knightour wrote:
instead of circles for team matches ,how about shapes? Some of the light blue shades are indistinguishable to me
periwinkle wrote:
instead of circles for team matches ,how about shapes? Some of the light blue shades are indistinguishable to me

Great suggestion! I've already put a suggestion like this for team games. Check out this forum thread