An exhaustive guide to 1v1 strategy, based on math, logic, and experience.
  • 6 posts
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TheChymera wrote:
Hi guys, I'm an avid 1v1 player (I try to thoroughly figure out how to play the game before I start concentrating on playing the players ;)), and I have recently put together a 1v1 tutorial/manual.

You can find my article [b]here, on my tutorials blog[/b]. It contains some fairly obvious points, as well as advice which - though based on solid math - is prone to attract some serious disbelief.

If you have any contributions to make, I would be happy to include them in my guide (and include you as a co-author!). I have even designed my blog so that it makes contributing easy and transparent.

Unless you find some errors or major omissions, I believe I have figured out most of the aspects of 1v1 gameplay, with a few exceptions:

* I am yet unsure how to calculate (and compare) the viability of alternative distributions of N troops over M territories in the wake of an enemy attack.

* I am unsure how to calculate the odds of a player's cards being fit for turn-in after the first turn-in (you have to account for the probability of him keeping wildcards)
Stratosphere wrote:
Very nice...
Thanks a lot TheChymera
I had a look at it, and it seemed to be very useful :)
I try to read it completely, when I had time :)
Virtuosity98 wrote:
Just skimmed it - it looks very comprehensive!
Thanks a lot, I will definitely take the time to read this and voice my comments afterwards.
It is now Day 8. Please submit your Lynch vote, as well as any Role-specific Day actions you wish to perform (countdown).
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• Role-specific actions (via PM with V98).

TheChymera wrote:
Many thanks for that! I'd also be very happy for any feedback or reports of how my tips are working out for you :)
Virtuosity98 wrote:
Very comprehensive! This covers everything I can think of relating to 1vs1 Risk Gameplay. There are many things mentioned here that I had suspected were useful, but had had no proof until reading this (e.g. Spread out troop placement - 2 '4v3s' is better than 1 '5v3';).

Unfortunately this guide doesn't tell you how to get normal dice (I know they're random but I always get bad luck!), so the tips haven't been giving me many victories, but they are very helpful nonetheless!
It is now Day 8. Please submit your Lynch vote, as well as any Role-specific Day actions you wish to perform (countdown).
Day Actions:
• #LYNCH [player], #NO LYNCH, #ABSTAIN in forum thread.
• Role-specific actions (via PM with V98).