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- Posted: 10 years ago
- Modified: 10 years ago
Post #1
Hi guys, I'm an avid 1v1 player (I try to thoroughly figure out how to play the game before I start concentrating on playing the players ), and I have recently put together a 1v1 tutorial/manual.
You can find my article [b]here, on my tutorials blog[/b]. It contains some fairly obvious points, as well as advice which - though based on solid math - is prone to attract some serious disbelief.
If you have any contributions to make, I would be happy to include them in my guide (and include you as a co-author!). I have even designed my blog so that it makes contributing easy and transparent.
Unless you find some errors or major omissions, I believe I have figured out most of the aspects of 1v1 gameplay, with a few exceptions:
* I am yet unsure how to calculate (and compare) the viability of alternative distributions of N troops over M territories in the wake of an enemy attack.
* I am unsure how to calculate the odds of a player's cards being fit for turn-in after the first turn-in (you have to account for the probability of him keeping wildcards)
You can find my article [b]here, on my tutorials blog[/b]. It contains some fairly obvious points, as well as advice which - though based on solid math - is prone to attract some serious disbelief.
If you have any contributions to make, I would be happy to include them in my guide (and include you as a co-author!). I have even designed my blog so that it makes contributing easy and transparent.
Unless you find some errors or major omissions, I believe I have figured out most of the aspects of 1v1 gameplay, with a few exceptions:
* I am yet unsure how to calculate (and compare) the viability of alternative distributions of N troops over M territories in the wake of an enemy attack.
* I am unsure how to calculate the odds of a player's cards being fit for turn-in after the first turn-in (you have to account for the probability of him keeping wildcards)