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- Posted: 10 years ago
Post #1
thanks Fendi I was going to post it here than changed my mind
See the thing is ive had really good 3 player games on that map and is pretty fair unless you get trapped armies in Australia, but other than that its good gameplay. Just wish players saw the bigger picture
(Game 259099)
And ive made those mistakes too so im far from perfect but when I try to help someone else out they usually disregard...so thats why I was wandering how my approach was. I mean yes, I want to win, but I also want a well-earned win, so thanks for any feedback
See the thing is ive had really good 3 player games on that map and is pretty fair unless you get trapped armies in Australia, but other than that its good gameplay. Just wish players saw the bigger picture
(Game 259099)
And ive made those mistakes too so im far from perfect but when I try to help someone else out they usually disregard...so thats why I was wandering how my approach was. I mean yes, I want to win, but I also want a well-earned win, so thanks for any feedback