Can it work?
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scaldwell17 wrote:

I've spent a lot of my time messing around with 1v1 caps games, and feel I have a good handle on those. Unfortunately, I find that caps with any more than 3 seems to rapidly devolve into chaos. Basically, it pays off for someone to go for broke and try to take a capital in turn 1 or 2, then they control the board, or someone takes them out now they're exposed, and that player controls the game. Generally the outcome of that play ends the game. Is there any strategic way around this, or is it better to just avoid games of this type?
Matty wrote:
Well, if people move lots of troops away from their capital than its defenitely worth killing them.

But if people dont do that, than trying to kill them will usually result in failure - so afterwards one of the other capitals is weak, and then you can kill him...

The best thing here though is to teach the new players how to play and tell them to keep their capital strong. Its not a preset chatline for no reason :)
"Strength doesn't lie in numbers, strength doesn't lie in wealth. Strength lies in nights of peaceful slumbers." ~Maria
scaldwell17 wrote:
I guess I've seen enough times where a player (or I) have still kept the capital strong just to have someone else make a move early on and steal the game. Luck plays into it so much, and it seems like never in my favour......
GenghisKhan wrote:
keep trying my rank is mainly due to 8 player caps games. 1f I win 25% of the time I gain points, typical 8 player caps game I win 120 points if I loose I typicaly loose 30 depends on who wins may be higher or lower but averages about 30.  So if I win 25% I will loose 90 pts apx. and win 120 points  net gain 30 points. But as you all know I win more than 25% of the time,,,,,,  LOL Also key for me on caps games NEVER go for a bonus territory unless it is basically given to me by the drop at the beginning of the game. My turns usually last 20 sec. I get a card and reinforce my cap  that's it.....  ill watch the amount of cards ppl have and I NEVER TURN IN FIRST.. onlykill caps with 4 or 5 cards trying to get double turn ins.. their is a little more to it But those are my basics to caps games.. GL and remember its a game and they are for FUN!!!!!!