A question on how to finish fixed games
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Cireon wrote:
So, I am in several fixed games now and I have been able to get some nice continents, a good region bonus and because my eyes are so cute, I am also able to get the most troops out of everyone (not that much, but still).

However, at this point I am stuck. The only thing I can think of is build build build your borders and try to get the cards coming. I however have no idea how to turn this into a win for me, so are there any people that can enlighten me?
“This is how humans are: We question all our beliefs, except for the ones that we really believe in, and those we never think to question.”
- Speaker for the Dead, O.S. Card
Matty wrote:
Depends on the people you play with.

If they are all waiting for the other player to do the first move into breaking, you can just slowely take more territories and regions, untill you are strong enough to kill everyone.

But if they take their responsebility and break you when they need to (or break you half and leave the other half to other players (and tell them to do so in the chat), than this doesnt really work out, and the only thing I can think of is to kill the player that breaks you first.

Of course, after that you are not the strongest anymore, but then the players you play with will help you break the strongest :)

But yes, im not always sure what to do here too.
"Strength doesn't lie in numbers, strength doesn't lie in wealth. Strength lies in nights of peaceful slumbers." ~Maria
Vexer wrote:
This will be somewhat of a reiteration of what Matty said.

If players are focused on building and not breaking then you will be able to recover after killing a player. Kill the player that is the biggest annoyance to you. If you can't kill them yourself then kill them 2/3 of the way but only if the player who kills the other 1/3 won't become the strongest by finishing the job. All that new territory will certainly get things going again.

Here's the other strategy:
I always set up my fixed card games with unlimited reinforcements so that I can gather all my troops in one spot on one turn. On the next turn I break through to the region I really want, the one that is more defensible and usually more than half kill a player at the same time.