A Thopre - Leedog collaboration
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Vexer wrote:
Are utah, omaha, gold, juno, and sword territories? if so, where are you going to fit the circles and the labels?

There seems to be a lot of little territories. I'd be more interested in a smaller map with about 42 territories that is a little more zoomed in on the beach. You could cut out all the territories around the edges. That would make all the territories that are left bigger.
Leedog wrote:
All 5 are territories.

The names were just placed in territories temporarily so Thorpe would know which beach is what.

Right now there are 10 bonus areas with around 56 territories. The area with the beaches has 9 territories so it can't be controlled too easily.

Utah beach is in a separate bonus area.

Territories were made with a Capitals game in mind, all have 1 buried territory (trying to work out gameplay issues now).

Vexer, as for you idea about changing map to 42 territories, you or Thopre may have to accomplish that... might be beyond my skill to accomplish what you're looking for.

These were just preliminary ideas, still waiting on Thorpe's input on what he would keep or change.
Thorpe wrote:
Still looking at the map
95.5% of the time you kill a players cap before your 2nd turn in... you fail or die next
Matty wrote:
Ya its hard to say something on this map now.

Escept that I see a bit of holland, which is awesome of course :)
"Strength doesn't lie in numbers, strength doesn't lie in wealth. Strength lies in nights of peaceful slumbers." ~Maria
Leedog wrote:
This is the 3rd map in -NoXon-'s World at War Map Series.

It's only around 25% done... outline finished.

Will have the same look and feel as -NoXon-'s WWII map.

This map will get done... but will take some time.

But when done, D-12 will have 3 legitimate World War II maps.