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Pntbttr wrote:
What do you mean, the orange region? The orange region only has three territories and it is the only region with a bonus of 1....
Thorpe wrote:
but how many countries can attack it?
will be hard to hold
95.5% of the time you kill a players cap before your 2nd turn in... you fail or die next
Pntbttr wrote:
I'll give you an update soon just wait.

@-NoXoN- I will try and make it look like paper and also keep the old one and we will compare them.
-NoXoN- wrote:
 I think this map is soon ready. new favorite map.

Can you try to make size of map as it is in real?

 If you are going to use airports, i have some more ideas. you can make airports to attack everywhere. So you can make bunkers in some territories, BUNKERS are safe from airports. You can make BASE, Base can attack all neighbours and is safe from airport, you also can give bonus for holding all Bases.

 @thorpe: paper maps looks better with things like airports and other things
Vexer wrote:
i like the idea of airports. noxon's ideas are good too but i would go with just the bases. we don't want the map to get confusing.

i have many many suggestions for this map and parts might need to be completely redone. i just don't have time to type it all out right now. I am working on getting the south africa map ready.
Pntbttr wrote:
OK I have changed a few things about the map but I am not posting it right now. I think I will make the rivers a little thinner.

I don't understand what your talking about -NoXoN-
Vexer wrote:
He's saying that instead of having the airports just attack other airports, you should have them attack any territory except the ones that have bases. they can't be attacked from airports. (just forget about bunkers, bases is enough)

I had a similiar idea long ago with the idea of portals.
Glanru wrote:
The darkness of the map is extensive. The darker areas on the outside isn't bad, but seems overly implemented. It may be beneficial to make that effect only on areas that are not playable (neutral land and the ocean). The rivers still seem massive in size.
Vexer wrote:
i'm with glanru. it's too dark. need to lower the opacity of your texture layer a lot.
Vexer wrote:
rivers are much better but the color is too close to one of the regions. look at eski. The rivers are harder to see now that they are an appropriate size. One way to fix this would be to change the color of the water. i know it's cool to have this purplish-grey color water but it makes it hard to differentiate the water from the land. Another way to fix it is to change the texture to a watery texture. the texture on the water needs to be very different than the land texture. And if you do choose to keep the water color then the color for the region that includes eski. MUST change.

Still way too dark, going from looking at glanru's europe 1814 map to looking at this map makes this map look dirty and dark. changing the water texture will help with this but the territories are still too dirty.

also, there is something messed up with the colors to the left of izmir.

so are you going to keep the airports as is or use noxon's idea? We can always use noxon's idea on another map. I myself will be making a portal map at some point.