I thought since christmas is coming up someone should do a christmas tree map
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Votazap wrote:
Hi everyone,the Christmas season is coming and I thought somebody should do a Christmas tree map.


As you can see in mine its hard to tell what can attack what and so on.

So,does anybody want to do one??
Pntbttr wrote:
I'll do one my dad actually seggested one but I didn't think anyone would like the idea....I am already in the process of making a few maps though....so I wont be able to get to it in a while so if anybody else wants to try.....I will just do it if nobody else does
Pntbttr wrote:
Well I like the background but I think it might be to flashy maybe you could have a background of the inside of a house or something (that would be really hard but really cool). And you need about 20 more territories.....you could put preasents at the bottom or add more decorations. You should probably have each territory on something that you can name like red ball blue light star trunk and stand those work but you need a name for every territory. You could also add some nice texture to the tree (maybe something like this (a nice pine needly look). I just came up with an idea what if the background was a fire place and you could add stockings to the mantle and use those as more territories (that might be hard to but you pick a hard topic). I don't know man this is going to be hard.........good luck.
Vexer wrote:
maps should generally be a minimum of 33 territories for a map intended for 2 players. 44 is ideal for 4 players (multiple the number of players times 11)

the game play needs to be really interesting to convince me to allow a map like this on to the site. Also the graphics have to meet the quality standards of course.

I would only have the map active during the holiday season each year. We could have maps for a number of holidays, but i will deactivate the map for the remainder of the year. It annoys me greatly when i see maps like this available to play on all year round on other sites.

That being said, I don't think there is enough time left before christmas to get this map done. I mean it would be pretty lame to finish the map on the 23rd and only have 2 days to play it. If you happen to have a stroke of genius and luck and finish the map graphics tomorrow and votazap is willing to input the entire map into the system himself by Thursday, then I would say go for it. otherwise I would just wait till next year. Just know that the only map to ever get done that fast was the Saturn map and it took 2 8 hour days working on it to get it done that fast.

Also know that I am busy and will not be able to help one bit. Christmas time it the busiest time of year at work.

You may consider using a real photo of a decorated christmas tree and modify it to create regions and territories. But part of me is against this idea altogether because I really would rather not have any more maps were the territory is just the territory circle and they are all connected by lines. (the basketball map and stadium map are examples of this). You could spend hours just finding the right photo to use and then hours more figuring out how to modify it so that the regions and connections are clear. Honestly if it were me I would put this one off till next November and work on it then. Your skills will have increased by then as well and it will make the project easier. Also you won't feel rushed and end up producing a low quality map. Keep in mind that the more maps we get, the higher the standard for new maps will get.
Glanru wrote:
I just don't see how a tree is fun as a map. Eh, call me a Grinch I guess.
Votazap wrote:
@vexer,i will work some on my map today and see how it goes,but,i can also work on it year long and put it up next christmas :D
Pntbttr wrote:
we could do a map for every holiday and have one holiday map every month or something like that I think that would be cool but those would be hard maps
Vexer wrote:
yep, very hard maps and only available for 1/12 of the year. will be hard to convince people to put in that much time on a map that only gets 1/12 of the time.
Votazap wrote:
btw,it would be awesome if we had seasonal maps and well worth the time. Many more would come to the site.