• 6 posts
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ikenslay wrote:
Hey guys. I think I briefly mentioned an idea for a Lord of the Rings/Middle-Earth map during the summer. Seeing as how there is already a Lord of the Rings Risk board game, it could be based on that. Just an idea.
Glanru wrote:
I easily see copyright as being a huge stumbling block in making any such map.
Vexer wrote:
yep, that is my worry. If we did make such a map it would have to be visible and playable only by premium members so that the copyright holders wouldn't even know it existed.
Pntbttr wrote:
If we could put maps that have been already made into boards that they sell that would be awesome. Maybe we could upload some maps that you have to pay a little for. I guess most people wouldn't pay for it but I think it would be cool I would buy a few depending on how expensive it would be(It might not be the best idea and on the bottom of the list but I think it would be cool some maps even have there own rules)
jakedchen wrote:
dude, sorry to hear about the copyright issues, cause it would be an awesome thing... :-/