juggalo islands on hold (this is way better)
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Vexer wrote:
I like the new textures but I do think it would look even better with some rough black and white texture (render small, rough clouds) overlayed at about 30-50% opacity. like I had previously shown.

The new legend makes the map too wide. I don't want to have to scroll side to side. It would be better if it was on the bottom.

I am a bit confused about the game play. the legend mentions getting plus 4 for holding an island and one territory in the mouth, but which one? I assume that you have to own all the territories of the same color in the mouth but that isn't made clear in the legend.

1771 wrote:
Wow, LOVE the new background it lessons the brightness of the entire map, which I wasn't so sure about. I say go with this background definetly. love the legend, but it is Huge a third of the size of the map. The little back spots all over the map. My personal opinion would be to lose them. If they serve no purpose. The squiggly lines in the green, are they future mountains? The line going from the white to the orange it is touching two parts of the orange, so all is attackable? Purple has 5 attackable borders but worth only 1, while red has 5 attackable borders, but worth 2? If i am looking at it correctly. I think a will wait too see final version, before going any further with the values of attackable regions, although now as it stand I think they are rather low for such a big map, with many many borders. 71 territories is that correct? I have many many questions for this map, and I think if I have many many questions for this map, then others may have even more. Please don't get me wrong, I love the theme (AMAZING), love the DnD references, Love the names, I like alot in this map, so please keep it coming!!! Don't let me frustrate you, I think it's awesome, you are doing great work!!!!! Please keep the background!
Vexer wrote:
thank you 1771, that is exactly the kind of feedback we need in this forum. Oh and I personally don't mind the little black islands that are too small to be territories. Leave them in, take them out, either way is fine with me.
BrewDog wrote:
No white in the mouth? Red looks a little more brown than red with the texture. I do like the map and can't wait to play on it.
nanoTek wrote:
Hey everyone. been off for a long time school has taken up a majority of my time. i will be out in 9 days! yes yes yes!! that means back to work on my maps. heck yes!! well figured i would let everyone know. hopefully ill get about 5 maps done.
Vexer wrote:
I'm still pretty excited about this map. We have upped the quality requirements since you've been gone so expect a lot of feedback and back and forth until it's perfect. Please read the new DXII guide to map making.
nanoTek wrote:
Thanks Thorpe.

I just started to work on this but I can't find the psd file so looks like I have to start over.
I'll give it better texture. Put the names on it. It will be themed around hell. Hence throes of perdition has a simple meaning of a violent path to
Hell. There will be a lot of blocked passes I hope for
This map to be hard. I want victory to be a challenge as if you were going thru trials.
 I don't want to offend anyone by any means so if you think this theme is to dark please let me know. I want to satisfy all of the players here on d12.
Please if you have any suggestions comment below because I would love your feed back.
Vexer wrote:
I think you should redo what you had in the last update minus the title. The title and explanation need to take up less space and be on the bottom. remember the map should be 1024 pixels wide. no more, no less.

And remove all the tiny tiny islands too, they just looked like black dots.

The ocean from the pic i made that thorpe just linked to would look really cool on this map. Unfortunately instead of using layer masks like I should have, I deleted the ocean textures from off the land so my layers would be of no use to you. I can tell you how i did it in gimp though. I generated grey clouds on one layer and then generated plasma on the layer above it and used the overlay setting.

It was never clear to me what the special game play with the mouth was but i want to see that aspect again, but fully explain it in this forum before trying to write it on the map to make sure we really understand what you mean.