insane clown posse
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nanoTek wrote:
I have the draft down for the map. but i dont know if you need a program to make all the spots for the troops. (i hope thats enough info) just wondering what the basic things that is needed to submit a map. I used gimp to create this map.
-NoXoN- wrote:
 Can you show your map? put your map on copy URL and show it here. We can help you with suggestions while your map is in process.

 Your map should be 1024 pixel wide, good quality to be accepted.

Vexer wrote:
I will input the map into the system and add the territory circles for you once it is finished and approved. All you need to do is provide the jpeg. I hope that you have read the DXII Guide to Mapmaking. We will work with you in this thread to take the map from the draft stage to completion. All you need to do is provide the jpeg. 1024 pixels wide as NoXoN said. Each territory needs to be big enough to fix the territory circles. Use this image to make sure that they all fit.

just copy and paste them into a new layer. that layer will just be there to verify that each territory can fit a circle. It will be turned off for the final version because the system places the circles, they are not part of the map jpeg.

so lets see your draft. you can post the image here or if you would rather not have everyone see it yet you can send a message to me with the link so I can check it and make sure what you have so far is fitting into the guidelines.

Thanks for taking this project on. the title alone sounds pretty interesting. can't wait to see what you've got.
nanoTek wrote:
okay i have changed my mind on the map. its not going to be juggalo island because not very many people might be fans of insane clown posse so i am devloping a new one. so can the thread title be changed? My new map is throes of perdition