As a map.
  • 15 posts
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Pntbttr wrote:
I am sorry for not putting up a draft or anything so I quickly threw something together that I found on the internet. I just put territory circles where there were words I did't even read the names, and I put a few out in the ocean. Remeber this is only a draft.
Pntbttr wrote:
I just came up with a better idea. What if I made the regions north, north-east, east, south-east, south, south-west, west and north west land and sea. Then it could have something like the saturn map in the middle(that would be about 60 territories), Or it could have one territory in the middle and make it a plus one for all surrounding regions (this would be about 61 territories), Or we could put a middle region in (this would be about 63-70), And if we wanted we could add a shore line region (which would have 4-8 territories).
Glanru wrote:
Claims to Antarctica are made by some countries from the south pole outward to a specific degree. Some areas are claimed by multiple countries, and some countries refuse to accept any claims to Antarctica. 

It's also very cold there. Most of the area is useless, and even more of it is near impossible for most countries to fund a significant war effort for. To solve this, I shall order my legions to create a polar bear training brigade at once!
Vexer wrote:
honestly i don't like it, that is why i have been silent on this thread.
Pntbttr wrote:
Oh yeah the grey lines are the regions the black lines are territories
Pntbttr wrote:
I just thought of something that can work as the lines we can make mountains on the land and waves in the sea
Vexer wrote:
i don't like the idea of using the sea as a territory
Pntbttr wrote:
OK but that leaves me with 45 territories, is that big enough?
Vexer wrote:
the world map has 42 territories, so yes it is big enough. You must be really into this idea to continue to make it even though you have had no support or encouragement.

Just a fair warning, what you have produced so far is not something i want to see on the site. you should make the continent bigger and divide up the land into more territories. Your territories are just geometric shapes which I guess makes sense since there are no countries in Antarctica and therefore no rivers or mountains are used as borders. But it isn't going to be a very interesting map because of that. I don't see any interesting game play here. We already have the Saturn map which has geometric shapes and is isn't very popular except for very specific games like 2p games and 3-4 capitals. i would prefer to not have any more maps that are simply geometric shapes unless we can see that there will be really interesting gameplay.

I just don't want you to spend all your time on a map that won't be very popular. No one has expressed interest in this map so I doubt very many people will play games on it. It just isn't very interesting to play a war game on a continent that has practically no population.

I don't mean to be a jerk, i am just trying to save you your time.
Pntbttr wrote:
Yeah I know. This idea probable won't ever happen unless I come up with a lot better idea for regions and territories.  I don't feel like anybody really says much in any map threads (exept people that work on the site).
-NoXoN- wrote:
lol Pntbttr  i think is same in my threads. btw if i was you i will focus on basketball map and finish it. This map is not attractive.

 Just look this map , it has nothing to do with antartica. you have put regions everywhere so antartica is like photo for decor, you can play this map even without antartica photo and you will not see difference.
Pntbttr wrote:
Well the basketball map is just about finished and the Europe map is just about impossible to finish with out the layers.