aka the 2 player map
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Vexer wrote:
I updated the map according to lucide's suggestions. I changed the font for the text and made the mini map look better.
Vexer wrote:
It has been suggested that the planet doesn't look 3D enough so I ask
does the planet look 3D or flat to you?
Glanru wrote:
The planet is lighter in the front, and darker in the back. It isn't a circle as it's narrower at the back and bigger in the front. Those are characteristics of 3d objects being viewed on a flat image.
Vexer wrote:
OK, so I decided to completely redo the entire map to make everything smoother. (you may have to hit ctrl + F5 on page 1 to see the update)
Glanru wrote:
"It's as easy as Shake N Bake, and I helped!"

On a more serious note: the image is taller, but it does look better.
Vexer wrote:
This map is now available in the "My Shop" area. Special thanks to Glanru for helping me with the colors and the text.
slackbatter wrote:
I've only played this map a few times, and I enjoy it so I don't want to sound like I'm complaining to much...but...it always bothers me that there isn't a hexagon a the center of this map, since Saturn actually has a hex at it's north pole. It would fit perfectly with the design of the map.

I'm not asking that it be changed, just wanted to put it out there to see if there's a support group that could help me cope with it.
aeronautic wrote:
Darn I forgot to put the hexagon on the Solar System map too !

Please see me at wwww.how_to_rebuild_your_life_without_hexagons.com

LOL, I didn't even know about this until now!

I too like to play the occasional game on Saturn, but I'm okay with the lack of accuracy to the actual Saturn.
I do like the way the ring dividers are spot on to the actual rings though and the way the planet is split into sections!

Okay all joking aside now, yes the hexagon would have fitted nicely on the north pole, but I'm sure we are looking at the south pole aren't we?
Hyd yn oed er fy mod Cymraeg , dim ond yn siarad Saesneg, felly yr wyf yn gobeithio y bydd y cyfieithu yn gywir.
slackbatter wrote:
That must be why I've intuitively never wanted to play the Solar System map.

There is no life without hexagons!

I count in base-6!
UltrasPlot wrote:
If you count in base 6 therefore you know of no 6, only 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5... therefore your point is false, therefore there is some other reason why you don't play solar system! :P Hexagon would be more accurate but I doubt it's worth the effort...
The_Bishop wrote:
Personally I count in base twelve that is much better than ten, many calculations are easier to do... [Off-topic]

Never liked this map really.

First question that I put to my self when I saw it the first time was: "Why it is called Saturn?". Then after seeing it again I realized: "Yes there's a ring around that disk and this is why it is called Saturn". Then watching better... "Oh Jesus, I didn't recognize it, actually is a picture of Saturn!". And I am an astronomy lover that saw hundreds of Saturn pictures but this one doesn't seem a planet at all.

My main concern is about gameplay. There are no defensible regions, everywhere is connected with everywhere, all the regions are bordering each other, there are no hard points to reach on the board, nor super-regional formations, nothing, I would say there is no territorial strategy involved in this map.

If I have permission I would like to show a possible reform for this map which also keep into account slackbatter's suggestion to change the middle circle with a hexagon.
«God doesn't play dice with the World» ~ Albert Einstein
Cireon wrote:
While I think it is interesting to have a map that is very different than the others, it does not appear to be a very popular map either, with only 1500 games, where some more recently released map already have similar or even more games played on them, so it might be interested. The question is whether it is worth reviving this map, or looking at a completely new one.
“This is how humans are: We question all our beliefs, except for the ones that we really believe in, and those we never think to question.”
- Speaker for the Dead, O.S. Card
Vexer wrote:
My original intent was for this map to be a 2p map. When you add the neutrals it limits the interconnectedness a lot.

But no one seems to play 2p on it. Instead we found 3p and 4p caps to be fun. Some of my fondest memories on the site are the 4p caps games 1771, thaithai and Distributer used to play with me on this map. But then we became experts and got bored because the games started stalemating.

I still think this is the very best map for learning how to win in capitals games with a double turn in. One day I want to do real training on this map. For example I'll setup a test game with a scenario where player A is about to win. Then I'll insert a trainee into the game as player A and let them keep trying until they win. The turn would reset when they fail so they can get a do over. Once they win they would earn something and unlock another training exercise.

And who knows, maybe after the training players will see the map's potential and it will get played more.

So I don't think this map needs fixing. I wouldn't waste your time, bishop. Your time is better spent on new maps.

And I don't mind that it is among the least popular. I only spent two days making it. But I still think it has it's use. But for those who think it's just wasting space in their map list I can remove your access so you won't see it anymore.
4960epic wrote:
I really enjoy the map, its simple, and its really fun for a game of same time 4p domination.
Also, like vexer i enjoyed playing 3-4 caps as well with muz and tram.
The undefendable barriers makes it unique, and although ive never played 2p on it, i think i will try it now.
Hoodlum wrote:
I think once you try it, it's actually a cool map. I enjoy this map for 2p, sametime games.
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