The 3rd Rome
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Dima wrote:

here i have created a mew map.

Size: small/medium. 44 ter and 8 reg. The regions are roughly based on "governorates" (dont know if spelled correctly) of that time, bit territories are mostly done by myself.

Topic: russian empire/ceaserdom of russia around the years 1700.

Title: i picked "ceaserdom 0f russia", but "tsardom of russia", "russian empire" and maybe even "the 3rd rome" could work. basicly "tsar" means "ceaser" in russian.

Idea behind the map:
-to create a new small/medium size map, cuz it was requested by some players such es darkeric and axobongo.
-to continie the "roman empire" topic. we have the roman empore itself, done by hoodlum. we will have mediteranean map after the roman disolution with its cultural successor states, such as the franks and byzantines, done by me. we have mediteranean, italy and france. and now we have the eastern successor state of rome/byzantine, which is the rus empire. and maybe we will get the carolingian and holy roman empore itself.

some additional info: basicly france, germany and north italy are successors of the western rome throught their connection to carolingian/merowingian and holy german empire (these 2,5 countires are actually the real "europe", everything else is europe geographicaly, genetically and linguistically, but the idea of a unified europe originated here!). they are germano-celtic, latin and catholic. russ empire is the successor of byzantine and is greec-orthodox and slavic, thats examplified by the usage of the double headed eagle., for example.
-to try out a new design idea: a 3d landscape in a 2d environment. basicly it should look like a real geo-polotical map. hoodlum likes to make maps with a "fantasy" vibe and i wanted to try something that has more "reality" and rpg and geopolitics vibes.

I know that this kind of design is new and was never done before here, so i assume, i will recieve "mixed" responses lol.

Map itself:

Newest version. Pale borders & removed the imahes, so it looks more topographic-like


1 version:

Spoiler (click to show)

Future ideas: i want to try out a 2d map in a 3d environment in the next map! initially i tried to make this map as 3d in a 3d environment, bit it somehow didnt look well.
"vorple: the real strategy comes when you cant just win cuz you got lucky and got the big card stack"
Dima wrote:
i mostly used the images 2 and 6. the remaining are just reserves.

hare are the maps i used.
"vorple: the real strategy comes when you cant just win cuz you got lucky and got the big card stack"
The_Bishop wrote:
Yes, we would need some more maps of this size I think.
I don't distinguish very well the terriotry outlines on that grey Eastern region.
Textures and pictures are cool, but perhaps they have to be reduced a bit in opacity.

I think to prefer Tsardom of Russia as map name/title.

P.S. You cannot use the same frame in every map!
«God doesn't play dice with the World» ~ Albert Einstein
The_Bishop wrote:
Historical inaccuracies:

"Ceaserdom of Russia" doesn't exist at all. The name is just Tsardom of Russia. Doesn't matter the etymology.
In the years 1700 the Russia extent was much bigger than that! You should date this map at around 1600 CE or late 1500's.
That flag doesn't really match with the years neither. The historical flag of Russia in that period is white-blue-red with an eagle on it.

Also question: is Galych there in the far north? That territory name give me some perplexities...
«God doesn't play dice with the World» ~ Albert Einstein
Dima wrote:
Sry, didnt have to properly reply so far. But Here are some answers: many cities were founded/re-founded multiple Times in different Locations, galych, Vladimir etc among other.
Regarding the frame: Well its a good frame and fits to the map, so i use IT. Gonna Look for Others that might fit better.
The flag issue: Well yes, both Flags were somehow used simultaneously and i took the current one for design-related reasons. IT simply Looks better with the current color Palette.
Regarding other issues: i ll See how i can fix them. IT will be difficult with the internal borders of that Gray area, but i will see whats possible....
One more Thing: the geographical Features such as Mountains, Landscape etc ist Not a Texture! Its part of the map and one of the layers.

Also i need Help. My current textures dont really Work in that map somehow.... I geht wierd results. So now i need other textures and they must be huge!! And preferably cloth/textile textures. Any ideas where to geht some? The ones i found were max 2000*2000 and its too small. I Like to Zoom them Out to geht better effects!
"vorple: the real strategy comes when you cant just win cuz you got lucky and got the big card stack"
Dima wrote:
alright, managed to get a texture, reduced opacy , even added skme "cloud" effects and changed name
"vorple: the real strategy comes when you cant just win cuz you got lucky and got the big card stack"
Dima wrote:
playing around with shading a bit..
"vorple: the real strategy comes when you cant just win cuz you got lucky and got the big card stack"
Dima wrote:
alright, this is the newest one. made the borders pale and added shadows and clouds here and there. also removed some of the images. added the two versions of russ flag of that time. both were basicly used officially & unofficially.


what do u think, is it ready to be tested?
"vorple: the real strategy comes when you cant just win cuz you got lucky and got the big card stack"
Dima wrote:
the gameplay seems to beboring in this map, cuz there are no cool gimmicks such as addifional borders or choking points. so maybe i could add bonuses for holding the regional capitals? lets say +1 for a pair of capitals and +1 for every additional capital?
"vorple: the real strategy comes when you cant just win cuz you got lucky and got the big card stack"
The_Bishop wrote:
That brown region in the SE is too similar in color to the non-playing land, make it a bit purplish please.
Add a minimap in the middle of the right side. Change or remove the frame, that one really looks ugly on this map.
«God doesn't play dice with the World» ~ Albert Einstein
God_of_War wrote:
All I see are large numbers. I know this isn't the best critique but looks like just 3s and 4s.
Hi there!