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Dima wrote:

i have created a new map:

re-worked the outlay and chanhed the design of the mini map; still playing around with designs:

Spoiler (click to show)

made the rivers:

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new style:

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earlier version:

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Alternate coloring:

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First version:

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Topic: Explaination is not necessary i think. Modern borders of germany anno 2025.

153 Territories
36 Regions
if i not mistaken...

Bonuses: are seen on the minimap. The ones where i wasnt sure, have a questionmark behind. Please give me some advice here. The remaining bonuses are calculated using the formula on the website.

Design: Is not finished and will be done as the very last step. What you see is just a demo version.

Coloring: I dont know how the final design would look like, but i really like the coloring. Its not too dark, like my previous map and japan-south korea map and not too bright like france.

Idea behind the map: The map is intended to be large and played by 7-9 players. I usually play fog and caped games, so i make maps that are good to play with these setting and where the intent is to win through smart territorial aquisitions, by using geography/bonuses and by leveringing players against each other and not by getting a big stack of troops through cards & defeating weak players to gain their cards. Cards play only a minor role.

Initially i intended to make a map of russia or sweden, because both are "stretched" countries, a geographical feature that makes the maps based on these countries more interesting, a bit similar to italy. But unfortunately i havent found a (fast) way to get them on a 1024*900 map, so i droped it and focused to germany.

Unlike with the previois map (Medieval Rus';), this time i added many rivers to divide the big map into little to semi-little pokets and corridors with choke points, sphere of inflience etc. Here the function of dividing the territory into smaller pieces is executed through rivers (= geography) and not through additional bonuses (= costs of opportunity).

Many rivers are meant to be the main feature of the map creating corridors, pockets and choke points.

Names for territories along with circles will be added later, as soon as i get green light on the bonuses and borders.

PS: If you - nonetheless - want me to add names, to be able to properly discuss the map, then tell me, i ll add names.
Regarding circles: i made sure that the territories are big enough to fit both, circles and names.
"vorple: the real strategy comes when you cant just win cuz you got lucky and got the big card stack"
Dima is online.
Dima wrote:
..... and fans on increasing card games this map could be interesting as well, because it becomes dificult to "catch" a player on a such large territory that is divided by rivers and choke points into a kind of labyrinth.

also fog games in general could be more interesting, cuz the territory provides many opportunities for hiding and for blocking someones path. its a bit like a labyrinthm
"vorple: the real strategy comes when you cant just win cuz you got lucky and got the big card stack"
Dima is online.
The_Bishop wrote:
No no, I'm sorry Dima, you should finish one job before starting another one.
Or at least you should show you are able to work on graphics, because for now it is unclear.

You already have a special permission to test the unfinished Rus' map, you cannot ask for another special permission.

I like the subject, but I don't like very much the colour scheme, nor the bridges.
Everything looks blurred I don't know why, and the Y of "Germany" needs a fix.
Textures are missing.

However I'm not caring about this map for now.
«God doesn't play dice with the World» ~ Albert Einstein
Dima wrote:
yes, its okay, i just had some motivation to paint another map and so i did it. its not necessary to test it yet or to continue with design etc. it has time.

regarding graphics, yes i asked hoodlum how he is doing that, so maybe i will try myself in this field later, so hoodlum is not doing all the design job.

regarding "blurred" and textures, yes it comes from changing size of the map. i ll fix it, once bonuses etc are okay. color sheme is also just for now and will be changesed in future, its not a big deal. bridges are also just for now and proper once will be added once the map is okay game-play wise.

Just feel free to voice your opinion on the bonuses and borders and such, its important for now.
"vorple: the real strategy comes when you cant just win cuz you got lucky and got the big card stack"
Dima is online.
Dima wrote:
okay, updated and solved all problem you showed me.

i would like fo know whether the bonuses are alright

and how to make bridges. should i draw them myself or is there a picture for bridges that i can copy paste, just like with circles?
"vorple: the real strategy comes when you cant just win cuz you got lucky and got the big card stack"
Dima is online.
The_Bishop wrote:
Small regions everywhere is nothing good. This is boring stalemating game-play, in fact everyone can build everywhere, so there's nothing to fight for. I would expect to see big 'Lander' in this map giving +8, +10, +15 troops per turn; +1 and +2 shouldn't exist here, or at most being used only for 3 city-states: Berlin, Hamburg and Bremen.

Then, what represents that connection line in the south? Is that a tunnel or what is it?
«God doesn't play dice with the World» ~ Albert Einstein
Dima wrote:
Spoiler (click to show)

alright, did some changes. i was taking example from italy, france & mediteranean maps, therefore most regions now have +3, a minority are 1,2,4 and 5.
i tried to make a big region with + 8-15, but havent found any place for this, but maybe this version is okay as it is.
i also made some rivers shorter.
the bridges & colors are just prototype.
i added the paintings just for fun & to play around. i ll keep them for now, but maybe change smthing in the future.
the connection lines in the south are supposed to represent .... well ... a connection, basicly these territories are connected to each other. i dunno how else to draw it.

right now focus is more on gameplay & bonuses.
"vorple: the real strategy comes when you cant just win cuz you got lucky and got the big card stack"
Dima is online.
Dima wrote:
a little addition on bonuses:

i gave +3 to regions with 3 ter (=territories) to defend and 2-3 ter interior OR 4 ter to defend and 1-2 ter interior.

and the images i added are the ones of arminius statue, german banner (eagle), quadriga from brandenburg gate. the woman is supposed to represend german national state, i guess. so i think there are no polotically questionable symbols & images here.
"vorple: the real strategy comes when you cant just win cuz you got lucky and got the big card stack"
Dima is online.
Dima wrote:
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played a bit around with design, wanted to make it more "autumn-like" and used warm austumn colors and found a nice texture. added here and there some stuff.

havent changed much gameplay-wise since the last update.

Btw, Bishop, this map has time, i just do it when i am up to, the Rus map has priority over this one. If you have some feedback & thoughts & time, then post it of course, otherwise just wait. And if other moderators and/or experienced players have time and feedback, they can alsocppst smthing.

ps: regarding the names such as preußen, posen, pommern, etc.... they were once part of german empire, holy roman empire (?) and other german political entities and were settled by germans, but after 1945 they had to leave these places and the places were renamed into poland, czech republic and so on. despite this, i took german names for these places, to make the map look more "german-like" and atmospheric. of course i can change the names into their present form, if there is demand for this.
"vorple: the real strategy comes when you cant just win cuz you got lucky and got the big card stack"
Dima is online.
The_Bishop wrote:
At the moment, it is not really convincing to me.
I'm not even sure we need maps that big, the max number of players is 9.
Let's first see how Land of Rus' works, then we will get a clearer idea also about this one, I guess.
«God doesn't play dice with the World» ~ Albert Einstein
Blagoje_Jovovic wrote:
I can say germany more make me happy than rus
It is verry nice looking right now even there is a lot of work
Bridges and those rivers need ,rivers need to be river color and add some twisting there as river flow xD
Rotate a bit and minimap set up down left and that icon from eft set right down and make a minimap a bit smaller ,and dont forget to rotate a map in a way of clock work
Germany move a bit left and put that eagle up right and map is awasome and colors too !
Dima wrote:
Spoiler (click to show)

@ B_J: alright, at least finished the riversb& bridges. played around with images a bit.

gonna work on mini map later.

@Bishop: well, i ll just play around with the map, try to make it playable & beautiful and maybe we can introduce it much later (next year or smthing) or make it paid.

"vorple: the real strategy comes when you cant just win cuz you got lucky and got the big card stack"
Dima is online.
lubi40 wrote:
I like the first version (made the rivers) about the colors I suggest giving different colors to each region, but this should be done on all maps, however I am in favor of large maps but with a limit of max 9 players. About bonuses you should try to play it to understand something, but it seems interesting.
DarkErik wrote:
I love all the new maps, but why do they all have to be huge? Can you make some cool small ones like this for 3-4 players?
Dima wrote:
I love all the new maps, but why do they all have to be huge? Can you make some cool small ones like this for 3-4 players?

yes, after the medi emp is finished and will have desire to make a new map, i will make a smaller one, at least i try. i usually play big maps, so they are easier for me. also thanks for appreciation!
"vorple: the real strategy comes when you cant just win cuz you got lucky and got the big card stack"
Dima is online.