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- Posted: 2 weeks ago
- Modified: 2 weeks ago
Post #136
Alright, bishop made the proposal to post the map with new style borders on forum, so that he can reply.
Basicly, i changed the border shapes to make them look more realistic, but the border connections remain the same for the exeption for elez-mokshiy-kursk part. I also made sure, the circles fit in neatlesly. I can post a version with circles later.
Bishop didnt like the new changes and prefered old round borders, but Hoodlum and I preferbthe new ones. Hoodlum said the following in PM:
"yup the borders/territories look better, they always caught my eye of being rounded and smooth and not a suitable style for this map. [...] map is coming along visually."
Whats your opinion on the border shape, round or edgy?
I also asked for feedback in PMs to players that participated in the test games and/or currently participate. To get a structured feedback, i sent out a special questionnaire. So far i recieved answers from maafi, lubi, calebdecker, among others:
My message:
i am writing to you because you are participating in the test games on the new map „Land of Rus‘ „
The reason for this writing is my aim to get your opinion/feedback/thoughts on this new map.
Please tell me your thoughts/opinion on the following topics:
Gameplay (the map intended to be large (a bit lke the Texas map) and be played by multiple players simultaneously);
Design (colors, textures, layout etc.);
Additional bonuses
(they are intended to add complexity and variety to the game; add more tactical choises; displacing the cards as the dominant way of getting troops and thus making the map more interesting to play on capped and no cards games; and they are intended to shape the movements of players (without prohibiting movement as mountains and rivers do it) through incuring „opportunity costs“ on the movements – you can read more in the forum)
Topic (historical setting in eastern europe)
Feel free to add feedback to things not mentioned in the questions.
And finally please tell me something about yourself
1.Do you prefer 1) increasing, 2) capped or 3) no cards?
2 Do you prefer games with 1) 7p+ or 2) rather 2-3, max 4p games?
3 Do you like 1) fast games or 2) slow ones?
4 Do you like 1) large/very large, 2) medium or 3) small maps?
Thank you for your feedback!
PS: If your games just started and you cant say much about the map/gameplay, then feel free to wait few days/weeks before submiting the feedback!"
calebdecker said:
19 Feb 2025, 21:25
There is a lot to like on the 'Rus map. 1) the art of the soldiers mixed in is great, 2) layered territory bonuses is next level thinking, love it. 3) it is a giant map, so probably a long game. Don't love those so much, not for me anyway. My preference on large maps, and probably most maps is advanced cards/increasing with fog. Don't love small maps much.
Good map! Thanks
Side note to the admins and innovators out there.... where is the best place to post feedback? I feel there is a ton of untapped data out there... starting w game summary (dice outcomes by player, statistics on battles/wins, cashing w 3 cards)... could also be pivoted on map size, length of game, player size (for Dima).
goryh said:
19 Feb 2025, 23:18
This is great and I generally like it. Though that might not be obvious as my feedback focuses on the things I would change.
I would change the right side information so Regions are on top and Sections are on bottom. On the Super-Regions, I would move the +1 on the Budjak shaded region a little. I couldn't tell it was the same thing at first as the boundary between Ak-Kerman and Barlad is almost completely obscured. On colors I would make the Regions not part of Super-Regions or Sections a different color than the unplayable part of the map that appears in the north. Did you purposely have Sections cut up Super-Regions? It seems odd to me. I would love to hear the thought process (and play a few games to try it out). I love when regions have names so I am glad you named the Regions and Sections. I am curious if there is a reason the Super-Regions don't have names. Lastly, there is a lot to take in here. You have presented it pretty well but it did take some time for me to fully understand. I am wondering if you have tried any ways to use the regions and super regions? I have lots of (probably terrible) ideas, but I will wait to hear about what you have already considered before typing any of them up.
I love this idea and I am excited to try it out in a couple of games. Can anyone start a game with this map or how would I go about it if I wanted to try it with some of my regular players?
1. Capped is my top choice
2. I generally prefer larger games
3. Game speed doesn't matter much to me as long as people aren't missing turns
4. Medium to Large is probably the sweet spot for me.
Dima said:
22 Feb 2025, 13:56
guys, sorry that it took me a bit longer to reply, had not much time lately.
i am glad that i got this feedback! and i woukd he happybif others would give their feedback as well!
also of you want to give feedback on maps/talk aboit maps/make your own maps, then you should vision the "map crearion" section of the forum and discus the maps publicly. i also started with a new map (germany) and you can find a thread there and leave comments if you like.
moreover i will collect the feedback from you and the ones who have not replyed yet and then reply & make changes.
Dima said:
22 Feb 2025, 13:58
ps: regarding laking names of suoer-regions: well one thing is to safe space and dont overload the map with info. second is that the names arent very spectacular. murom-ryazan, galych-volyn, susdal-vladimir and so on. these are the real historical names lol. other super regions dont have real names, i made them for the sake of gameplay, for example mordva + saksin.
lubi40 said:
19 Feb 2025, 17:34
Good morning Dima,
I have already played 1 game and another in progress, interesting map and for many players (as I like it), interesting, but the 3 levels of bonus cards confuse me and the conquest of an area is sometimes very difficult (Hungary) for example, the entire map I think is +100 more territories ? , perhaps too many, and games too long, in conclusion the bonuses are always good, medium-large maps, 24-36 hours, 9 players not more it s enough, Thank you and good work
03 Feb, 14:18
ENGELBREKT: Its interesting to play a historical map in east europe. I visited many places on this map 1995 so I remember many names. Makes the map even more fun!
19 Feb, 03:05
bcolem924: I like the complexity. The colors are slightly hard on the eyes though, IMHO
20 Feb, 20:36
maafi: I think it’s really interesting map Dima. I also find the colours difficult though. It’s not easy to differentiate some of the regions.
Alright, bishop made the proposal to post the map with new style borders on forum, so that he can reply.
Spoiler (click to show)
Basicly, i changed the border shapes to make them look more realistic, but the border connections remain the same for the exeption for elez-mokshiy-kursk part. I also made sure, the circles fit in neatlesly. I can post a version with circles later.
Bishop didnt like the new changes and prefered old round borders, but Hoodlum and I preferbthe new ones. Hoodlum said the following in PM:
"yup the borders/territories look better, they always caught my eye of being rounded and smooth and not a suitable style for this map. [...] map is coming along visually."
Whats your opinion on the border shape, round or edgy?
I also asked for feedback in PMs to players that participated in the test games and/or currently participate. To get a structured feedback, i sent out a special questionnaire. So far i recieved answers from maafi, lubi, calebdecker, among others:
My message:
i am writing to you because you are participating in the test games on the new map „Land of Rus‘ „
The reason for this writing is my aim to get your opinion/feedback/thoughts on this new map.
Please tell me your thoughts/opinion on the following topics:
Gameplay (the map intended to be large (a bit lke the Texas map) and be played by multiple players simultaneously);
Design (colors, textures, layout etc.);
Additional bonuses
(they are intended to add complexity and variety to the game; add more tactical choises; displacing the cards as the dominant way of getting troops and thus making the map more interesting to play on capped and no cards games; and they are intended to shape the movements of players (without prohibiting movement as mountains and rivers do it) through incuring „opportunity costs“ on the movements – you can read more in the forum)
Topic (historical setting in eastern europe)
Feel free to add feedback to things not mentioned in the questions.
And finally please tell me something about yourself
1.Do you prefer 1) increasing, 2) capped or 3) no cards?
2 Do you prefer games with 1) 7p+ or 2) rather 2-3, max 4p games?
3 Do you like 1) fast games or 2) slow ones?
4 Do you like 1) large/very large, 2) medium or 3) small maps?
Thank you for your feedback!
PS: If your games just started and you cant say much about the map/gameplay, then feel free to wait few days/weeks before submiting the feedback!"
calebdecker said:
19 Feb 2025, 21:25
There is a lot to like on the 'Rus map. 1) the art of the soldiers mixed in is great, 2) layered territory bonuses is next level thinking, love it. 3) it is a giant map, so probably a long game. Don't love those so much, not for me anyway. My preference on large maps, and probably most maps is advanced cards/increasing with fog. Don't love small maps much.
Good map! Thanks
Side note to the admins and innovators out there.... where is the best place to post feedback? I feel there is a ton of untapped data out there... starting w game summary (dice outcomes by player, statistics on battles/wins, cashing w 3 cards)... could also be pivoted on map size, length of game, player size (for Dima).
goryh said:
19 Feb 2025, 23:18
This is great and I generally like it. Though that might not be obvious as my feedback focuses on the things I would change.
I would change the right side information so Regions are on top and Sections are on bottom. On the Super-Regions, I would move the +1 on the Budjak shaded region a little. I couldn't tell it was the same thing at first as the boundary between Ak-Kerman and Barlad is almost completely obscured. On colors I would make the Regions not part of Super-Regions or Sections a different color than the unplayable part of the map that appears in the north. Did you purposely have Sections cut up Super-Regions? It seems odd to me. I would love to hear the thought process (and play a few games to try it out). I love when regions have names so I am glad you named the Regions and Sections. I am curious if there is a reason the Super-Regions don't have names. Lastly, there is a lot to take in here. You have presented it pretty well but it did take some time for me to fully understand. I am wondering if you have tried any ways to use the regions and super regions? I have lots of (probably terrible) ideas, but I will wait to hear about what you have already considered before typing any of them up.
I love this idea and I am excited to try it out in a couple of games. Can anyone start a game with this map or how would I go about it if I wanted to try it with some of my regular players?
1. Capped is my top choice
2. I generally prefer larger games
3. Game speed doesn't matter much to me as long as people aren't missing turns
4. Medium to Large is probably the sweet spot for me.
Dima said:
22 Feb 2025, 13:56
guys, sorry that it took me a bit longer to reply, had not much time lately.
i am glad that i got this feedback! and i woukd he happybif others would give their feedback as well!
also of you want to give feedback on maps/talk aboit maps/make your own maps, then you should vision the "map crearion" section of the forum and discus the maps publicly. i also started with a new map (germany) and you can find a thread there and leave comments if you like.
moreover i will collect the feedback from you and the ones who have not replyed yet and then reply & make changes.
Dima said:
22 Feb 2025, 13:58
ps: regarding laking names of suoer-regions: well one thing is to safe space and dont overload the map with info. second is that the names arent very spectacular. murom-ryazan, galych-volyn, susdal-vladimir and so on. these are the real historical names lol. other super regions dont have real names, i made them for the sake of gameplay, for example mordva + saksin.
lubi40 said:
19 Feb 2025, 17:34
Good morning Dima,
I have already played 1 game and another in progress, interesting map and for many players (as I like it), interesting, but the 3 levels of bonus cards confuse me and the conquest of an area is sometimes very difficult (Hungary) for example, the entire map I think is +100 more territories ? , perhaps too many, and games too long, in conclusion the bonuses are always good, medium-large maps, 24-36 hours, 9 players not more it s enough, Thank you and good work
03 Feb, 14:18
ENGELBREKT: Its interesting to play a historical map in east europe. I visited many places on this map 1995 so I remember many names. Makes the map even more fun!
19 Feb, 03:05
bcolem924: I like the complexity. The colors are slightly hard on the eyes though, IMHO
20 Feb, 20:36
maafi: I think it’s really interesting map Dima. I also find the colours difficult though. It’s not easy to differentiate some of the regions.
"vorple: the real strategy comes when you cant just win cuz you got lucky and got the big card stack"