42 territories, 7 regions
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Matty wrote:
One difference is that Asia's top region is very easily 'convertable' in a '8 territory - 3 border' region, which is slightly easier to defend.
Oh, and, that'd make it better than the north america region as well which has a +5.

That's a minor argument though, and the difference isn't that big. So I'd side with dough_boy and say both should be +5, or alternatively both should be +4 and NA should be +4 as well.
"Strength doesn't lie in numbers, strength doesn't lie in wealth. Strength lies in nights of peaceful slumbers." ~Maria
periwinkle wrote:
According to the region bonus calculator.....https://dominating12.com/tools
This is what I calculated. 
South America 2
Australia 2
North America 4
Europe 4
Africa 4
Lower asia 3
Upper asia 4
pygmyhippo277 wrote:
to quote bishop.
I don't see it as a flaw, instead it means the map is well shaped, producing interesting strategies.
in reference to a territory being to easy to hold, but I feel that it applies here as well with the bonuses.
Eat my dust.
The_Bishop wrote:
I read positive feedbacks from players, so I hope the map will stay.

I think the only bonus to be discussed is Europe +4 or +5, I'm open to both options but I prefer +5. Northern Asia has an 'easy shape': it's easy to begin the conquest of that region in several ways, Europe is harder; plus Europe is in the middle, can be attacked from 6 territories, Northern Asia only from 4. I do not consider them to be equally hard.

Vexer's formula doesn't apply to W. Classic, nor to W. Modified (created by Vexer), so I don't think it's the case to apply it to this map neither. I know other formulas but this is not the topic here.

I'm out of home for some days so I can't do any graphic changes. The ideal would be to have the original PSD file of World Classic so that I can do the job in a more proper way. Who holds the file actually? I don't know.
«God doesn't play dice with the World» ~ Albert Einstein
HS0602 wrote:
I agree with you, Mr. Bishop. Europe's region bonus of +5 is best. Let's not make it too non-classic :).

PS: Vexer created the World Classic map as well. He might have the file you're searching for.
Keep smiling, because life is a beautiful thing and there's so much to smile about.
The_Bishop wrote:
However World Modified was popular for many years, if I calculate the games/day as I did sometimes I think it's still one of the most played map in the D12 history, so I wouldn't delete it.
In my King of Predators tournament I would like to have the triple option for the final: the highest rating can choose between Classic, Modified or Non-Classic. It sounds cool to me.
«God doesn't play dice with the World» ~ Albert Einstein
dabbledave wrote:
Really wanna try this map. I have two pending 36-hour games (fixed cards / chained reinforcement /original dice) awaiting players. Please sign up :-)
Axobongo wrote:
i think it would be fun to Test this with lower Asia at 2 and upper Asia at 3.
They seem to be the prime real estate. Their high point return makes for a heavier draw. Somehow i have a strong feeling that if the attraction to those were a little less, but still valuable if held, it might help balance off something that seems a little off to me. 

Africa at 4 makes sense to me.  

(Australia should be at 3 and a half :p)
The_Bishop wrote:
Thanks @Axobongo for your comment.
My feeling is a bit different, I do not think the Asian bonuses are actually too high, I just think that compared to World Classic a large low-interest area is missing here, I'm aware of that and of course it was done by intention. I'm not sure it's an improvement, I mean, I do think the improvement is to have the option to play this or to play World Classic. Isn't it? Not only for the Asian split, but also for the added sea route between Madagascar and Australia, which likely leads to less frequent crucial drops.
I would suggest World Non-Classic for 2v2 team games for example and also for 7-player games (a bit overcrowded maybe but nice). 7p capitals especially, because on World Classic (and World Modified as well) the 7-cap's placement is pretty weird, due to the Australian dead-end.

However I have to admit I haven't played it much yet, so I might change my mind a bit later on.
«God doesn't play dice with the World» ~ Albert Einstein
Axobongo wrote:
Asia is now overly advantaged due to map shape as well as high points.
Africa and Aus. are disadvantaged, advancing the advantage of Asia.
Europe in general takes time to get, can be hard to hold, and yet is forced to be the "heroic" pressure against Asia dominance.
N.America has a similar problem.
S.Amrica is far from Asia.
Thus both U.Asia and L.Asia are quite advantaged via the map dynamics. Easier to take and keep than a single Asia, and it shifts card farming areas out of Asia,, so its quite advantaged.
And now we come to their worth, 3 & 4. 
I am sure that even if worth 2 & 3, the two Asia regions are quite advantaged.
Is there no way to get that set up tested?
The more people experience 3& 4 , they can apply that experience to testing 2&3, then offer a better judgement.

Its nice to have a map like this around. I think it will be better for Capitals than the Classic map.
(..and I like the Classic-Modified map!)
weemart wrote:
I think you should add New Zealand with a crossing to peru and a crossing from Argentina to S. Africa. 

and increase S. America and Australasia to 3. Or reduce the rest by 1.
The_Bishop wrote:
Thanks @weemart for your suggestions. Actually New Zealand and Peru are so far away, and I like having a new game-play with minimal changes from W. Classic, so I disagree but thanks anyway.

I'm really satisfied of how it is. 120 games played right now, I did expect a higher popularity to be honest, however W. Non-Classic seems to preavail over W. Modified, at least in this first phase.
«God doesn't play dice with the World» ~ Albert Einstein