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aeronautic wrote:
I will re-post Version 3 for reference on this page, before Version 4 is uploaded.
New Westeros 3 duplicate (click to show)
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aeronautic wrote:
I have redrawn The Wall to make what I think is a generic version plus gate towers from all those posted by Cireon.
Rivers have been made more intuitive and Frozen Shore river has been removed, as it was not needed and just caused confusion.
I haven't changed any game play that was suggested by naathim, as I'm not sure that I should break away from the official map kingdoms etc.
I will most probably make each free city in Essos a slightly different colour so as to imply that they are individual kingdoms, but I would most probably have to keep them all as one region.
I have altered the region colours slightly to start working toward a less vivid colour saturated map, that still has plenty of colour distinction.
Some more forests have been added and some alterations here and there.
New Westeros 4 (click to show)
Hyd yn oed er fy mod Cymraeg , dim ond yn siarad Saesneg, felly yr wyf yn gobeithio y bydd y cyfieithu yn gywir.
Axobongo wrote:
All i hope for is we dont lose the old westeros map, the new concept map looks great, i hope we get to have them both.
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aeronautic wrote:
This has been requested by a few people and is something we are baring in mind. We wouldn't want to remove something that is very popular. It would be nice though if people stated what exactly attracts them to the current Westeros map, for future reference?
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naathim wrote:
What I like about the original:

It's big. There's not too many large maps on here. Great for big death matches and team games. Also fun with fog where you can hide and be sneaky.

The gameplay is interesting. Lot's of fun choke points, different pathways of moving. Was this the first map with the color coded ports?

It's not overly thought out. It's balanced, but certain regions have large advantages (The North, the North!) I know people will say that doesn't sound good, but some of the maps just get kind of picked to pieces with trying to strike balances. Which leads to plodding, boring gameplay, (World Classic, World Classic!) This one encourages rough and dirty and cutthroat play. I don't think I've ever seen a stalemate on this map.

The names are fun, interesting, and this is one of those maps where people might err.... Identify? with certain regions. Or am I the only one that sometimes just wants certain regions cause I want them for no tactical reason?

It IS a fairly ugly map, to be honest. But I do like the colors, shading, and blending on it.

I still like yours aero, different, but still good.
Hoodlum wrote:
i don't play the original westeros map much at all. i did have an issue when I was a new player and played it. I was unfamiliar with d12 capitals also and I had gotten a capital placement in the white area that I hadn't realized only till after i ended turn that I left the majority of my men off the cap, the white capital ring was hard to see. amazingly i survived till the next round, maybe through some sportsmanship or other players I played with were as new as me, and didn't notice..i cant remember, but that was something that put me off this map from the start.
Warrant ☰ ★Officer I and a Gentleman
aeronautic wrote:
That is something I used to notice as well Hood and if we are keeping the old one, I would want to do something about the white. It doesn't have to be pure white.

I have done a lot more graphic work on this map, but not as much as I wanted for another post.
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Axobongo wrote:
This new westeros map is of a sort i really like to see.

But it is quite a different map than the original , more different than World Modified is to World Classic, and there isnt a problem with 2 maps of the same theme. i think gameplay and tactics will differ greatly.

Naathim just explained all i would say about why the original is a good map with exciting games. And he explained it so well i don't know what to add.. (tho the north isnt always a guaranteed win]

i have been enjoying it alot in playing long-term no-card games based on slow crawls of land capturing, which is pleasantly a little more like real life megalomania evil colonization, than is the card sweep.
  And its easier on the eye than World Expanded ,,its suited to both caps and deathmatch ,,and also domination due to its size.

i think some people just are vocal about disliking maps, and sometimes they are D12 important people , elites, 1%ers, and it seeps into the group psychology a little.
  But i also think people can like a map and be bored with it later, or dislike a map and discover later they like it.

i once thought perhaps some people were boggled by the colors when first learning the map, they are a little bright, but once the map is learned, its attractive and not boggling.
  The new map is excellent , and of a more sophisticated beauty, but the old map has something cheery about it not to be denied

PS. i think the desert lands of the new map could use some mountains or hills

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The_Bishop wrote:
Myself too I was working on a new Westeros map as I promised long time ago to show it to Thorpe. It was a big surprise for me when I see Aeronautic's idea very similar to mine, but my design was a bit larger in territories (if I am not wrong) and it was 11 regions strictly corresponding to Westeros kingdoms, with 7 territories connected by three-colored ports. Maybe it could be useful for making a "building" comparison but unfortunately I cannot find the file anymore. Pity.

I like so much the style of Aeronautic's version speaking about mountains and woods. Region colours maybe should be a bit more vary: every region with a different one. And I don't like the "jute bag" background, or maybe it's only too dark-brown for my taste.

As for the general layout I was thinking something like this (see spoiler) to avoid the annoying scroll of this map.
Rotated Westeros (click to show)

About the title: we should try a different name to avoid confusion with the old map. Two possibilities sound good in my mind:

 -- The Seven Kingdoms: practically it's a synonymous of Westeros, it refers to the whole area even if the kingdoms actually are nine because two of them are independent from the central power;
 -- Westeros & Free Towns: to be complete it should be "Westeros and the free towns of Essos"* but it's a bit too long.

(*Essos is a greater continent compared to Westeros, something like Asia and Europe, and in this cut only a small portion of Essos is included in the map. That part of Essos is caracterized by free independent towns in a strict trade relationship with Westeros)
«God doesn't play dice with the World» ~ Albert Einstein
aeronautic wrote:
Yes it sits better turned 90 degrees, but is then limited to 1024 pixels, which means it's smaller in land width (in your case height), that would make the territories smaller. It also looks weird for those that know the map, it would be like rotating UK & Western Europe 90 degrees counter clockwise.

I agree with the Title change, but we'd have to come up with something much shorter and still suitable. I also believe they are known as the "Free Cities" not "Free Towns"? I like "The 7 Kingdoms" idea.

Graphically, the map will develop, once I get all the rest of the mountains scaled and fitted to Essos (almost done). I also want to do some artistic work to the land to show terrain. This is after all a story map and should really look like the maps do in the story.
Hyd yn oed er fy mod Cymraeg , dim ond yn siarad Saesneg, felly yr wyf yn gobeithio y bydd y cyfieithu yn gywir.
The_Bishop wrote:
Yes Free Cities is more correct, right observation.

I thought "7 Kingdoms" can be attractive also for people who completely ignore what Westeros is. And for the others, the Westeros lovers, will be easy to associate the 7 Kingdoms to the Westeros.
«God doesn't play dice with the World» ~ Albert Einstein
aeronautic wrote:
Westeros 4 (click to show)
Westeros 5 (click to show)
Hyd yn oed er fy mod Cymraeg , dim ond yn siarad Saesneg, felly yr wyf yn gobeithio y bydd y cyfieithu yn gywir.