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The_Bishop wrote:
Thanks Aero for the nice wording! I delayed a bit to translate "holds no punches" though... :D

I don't know if you can find some significant impassable in that area. Except maybe the Hudson River if you consider to include part of the State of New York as I suggested, but that river is not worth for improving any regional defensibility (supposing to draw regions more-or-less corresponding with the states in place). Then I think that in my draft regions were already defensible considering the cases of 8-10 territories with only 4 borders as a good defensibility. And what is cool is that it's based on real counties, this avoids the drawing of strange shapes or unrealistic counties.

New York or not in any case the map name should be changed if it includes also Rhode Island and Connecticut rather than the simply Massachusetts. The only good name I can find is Southern New England. (?)

Honestly I got pretty excited by my own draft and I could not resist to go ahead with that, finalizing the design better. If it cannot be called an excellent game-play, I think it is at least good, and it's geographically accurate. But I think Clarke feels like I have stolen him the area he wanted to represent, since I don't know what to do.

Knowing Clarke's graphic ability, shown in many of his map attempts, I'm inclined to propose a collaboration as it was between Aero and I for the Italia map: one caring about game-play and geographical representation and the other one caring all that concerns the graphic realization. As a matter of fact is something that makes the work less intensive for both. As I said it would be too hard for me to draw the map by myself and probably I would never reach the quality required, but I think Clarke can hit the target in that department! ;)
«God doesn't play dice with the World» ~ Albert Einstein
The_Bishop is online.
Clarke wrote:
I agree Bishop. However, I have just begun my busy time at work for this month. But in about a week, my work slows down and I have more time for maps.

So give me a little time & I will post a rough draft here of what I have come up with based on all feedback.

aeronautic wrote:
I think this collaboration is a good idea and I believe it is a good combination of graphic ability and game-play vision.

Good luck guys, I can't wait to see how this develops!
Hyd yn oed er fy mod Cymraeg , dim ond yn siarad Saesneg, felly yr wyf yn gobeithio y bydd y cyfieithu yn gywir.
The_Bishop wrote:
Okay, thanks for accepting my collaboration Clarke! ;)

I'm also having a hard week at work really... but I think my vision is almost completed, I just need to 'graphicize' it a bit, as I cannot use telepathy to communicate.

But wait, a question first. Are we allowed to make a map with 45 territories? Because I know it's in the forbidden range, but what can I do if I got a 45-territory vision?

The forbidden range is to avoid the starts with a number of territories that is multiple of 3, being unfair for the players that are not first in turn.

But I don't think 45 is so bad. Because the problem is only for 2-3p games. I mean there's a very large choice among maps from 24 up to 44 territories, one must be a bit dumb to chose a 45-territory map for 2-3p games.

I think 48 is worse and we have one map in that range even if forbidden, and also 60 is much worse in my opinion but it is not forbidden at all.

It's not that I want to encourage the production of maps with 45 territories but I think at least 1 or 2 of them can stay as there is no other way to set 5x9 games (I mean 5 players with 9 territories each).

What do you guys think? Clarke do you agree with me?
«God doesn't play dice with the World» ~ Albert Einstein
The_Bishop is online.
aeronautic wrote:
For 45, 46 & 47 territories, as you say it is only 2 & 3 player that is affected by 15 starting troops.
However, here's what I read into the restriction...

The forbidden amounts are for those territory amounts that give at least 1 additional reinforcement to all the players in a low player game such as 2 or 3 players, but where the first player to play has the ability to reduce at least 1 of the other players by 1 reinforcement by conquering one of their territories. When reinforcements are so critical to the game, this first move would be one that was exploited by any average player giving them the ability to have the upper hand just by going first. The advantage is not so critical as reinforcements get much larger, but when they are between 3 & 5 reinforcements, this is critical to winning and losing the game from turn 1.

Having said that, I believe it is just the 2 player games that can be exploited in this way, because in a 3 player game, it is difficult to take 2 players down by 1 territory unless you are adjacent to both with your reinforced territory and don't lose any on the first player, giving you the possibility of a 2nd attack on the 2nd player, but even then after conquering 2 territories, they have to then be defended with sufficient troops.
If all 2 player games were 1v1 (with rematch), the restrictions on the map territory amounts wouldn't be so critical.

But alas, the restrictions are there for a very good reason and from experience I have seen players exploit any tiny advantage they can, because of a glitch or discontinued map or reinforcement advantage such as (36 - 38 & 45 - 47).
I don't believe 48 - 51 are too bad because they only affect 4 player games and apart from the new consecutive 2v2 team game, there is no overall advantage.

I would say please try for a fairer territory quantity that still gives similar starting reinforcement amounts such as 52 - 54 territories.

(Edit): I put up a spread sheet of territory amounts for just such a reference as this:
Hyd yn oed er fy mod Cymraeg , dim ond yn siarad Saesneg, felly yr wyf yn gobeithio y bydd y cyfieithu yn gywir.
PsymonStark wrote:
What aero says is true but it's not a mechanic. I mean, each game the first player changes.

It would be great if our programmers could implement that if there are 12 or 15 starting territories for below X players, the system automatically reduces by one the number of assigned territories for each player and cover the rest with neutrals. It would enable some interesting set ups like the one Bishop mentioned.
Living proof that everyone can be a brilliant great good decent cartographer.
Vexer wrote:
If you want to make a map in the forbidden range, make it but just know it won't get released until the code gets modified like Psymon suggested. Maybe if there was such a map waiting to get released we might be more motivated to do this.
Clarke wrote:
Bishop (and everyone) here is a rough layout of Southern New England based on the actual county lines as they exist in 2015. I only had to move 2 tiny parts to avoid 4 corners. So if we use this as a staring point, where do we go from here Bishop? Take your time and turn this into something worth playing. If you want, I can "zoom out" even more showing more of the north and west. But I wanted to see what you can do with this first.

Spoiler (click to show)
The_Bishop wrote:
Okay, thanks Clarke, I'm studying the thing...
«God doesn't play dice with the World» ~ Albert Einstein
The_Bishop is online.
The_Bishop wrote:
Okay, here I am!

@Clarke - I'm really sorry with you for my long absence and I don't know exactly how to apologize. Let me just say that unfortunately my busy period has been being much longer than predicted.

So here the file that I produced. Substantially the same design of the previous one, but connections and nomenclature have been adjusted. Every thing redrew better in solid colours so that you can easy work on it.
Also added minimap, title and windrose to get an idea of the general layout.

Southern New England Draft (click to show)
This is just for showing to the public but obviously I can provide a file with layers.

So now please Clarke let me see how you can transform this draught in a wonderful map. Because I know you have the capabilities to do it! If you are still intentioned, of course.

Map Description

You can just comment the image as you see it. But I'm adding some more descriptions in order to share all my thoughts and feelings about this map.

Title (click to show)
Cut (click to show)
Bevels (click to show)
Regions (click to show)
Size (click to show)
Gameplay (click to show)
Capitals (click to show)
That's all.

I know Clarke is already overloaded of work for finishing the Hawaii Double map. Since I cannot push him to start this one immediately, but I hope in the next future. By the way for the moment I am not pressed because my busy period didn't end yet and unfortunately it will go on another couple of weeks. But in any case I'm going to do my best to follow the progress.
«God doesn't play dice with the World» ~ Albert Einstein
The_Bishop is online.
Virtuosity98 wrote:
I understand your desire for a less common gameplay, with harder-to-defend regions, but I feel there is a flaw: The two obtainable regions are right next to each other. I feel that whoever gains the first SE region will easily gain the other, and since the other regions are much harder, it would be a victory for that player (of course not in all cases, but in most). In World Classic the easy regions are far away from each other.

I feel that Long Island could possibly be made into its own region to give another small region to go for. The overall gameplay would still have large regions.

Just a comment and suggestion, not thoroughly thought out - just be initial thoughts. Remember that I support the desire for a map with overall larger regions. :)
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aeronautic wrote:
As always Bishop you are very thorough in research, description, provision of backup plans, analysis, game-play & set up.

(Size Spoiler above) I applaud your tenacity to try to force the programmers to make changes to the game program in order to automatically reduce forbidden numbers, but I very much doubt they will be able to fulfill the task by the release of the map, due to their very long list and being in the middle of lobby changes. Therefore, what will happen if we get to the point of Beta and it is still in the forbidden range?
My best guess is, that it will be pounced on by advantage seekers & teamers and exploited as much as it can be.

Perhaps you should consider dropping 1 territory or adding 7 more, as a backup plan ready for Clarke to work with graphically, so have 2 versions ready?
Hyd yn oed er fy mod Cymraeg , dim ond yn siarad Saesneg, felly yr wyf yn gobeithio y bydd y cyfieithu yn gywir.
The_Bishop wrote:
@Virtuosity - I can conquer the +4 region much faster than you conquering +2 and +3, and then you'll be the target for the other players, you got the higher bonus and they can steal from you one of your small regions. Also South New York region doesn't look so hard, I mean large region, but with an easy shape to be conquered and preotected.

@Aeronautic - Thanks for your appreciation.
I don't think to change the number of terriotories.
In case I can add a legend with a warnign like this:
"Avoid to play this map with 2 or 3 players, may be an unfair game!!"
«God doesn't play dice with the World» ~ Albert Einstein
The_Bishop is online.
aeronautic wrote:
@The_Bishop that warning would be like a TV Advert for Teamers.
If you are not changing the territory quantity, I would say nothing and we'll monitor it for exploitation until the program is changed.
Hyd yn oed er fy mod Cymraeg , dim ond yn siarad Saesneg, felly yr wyf yn gobeithio y bydd y cyfieithu yn gywir.
PsymonStark wrote:
I think you're all being a bit exaggerated. Maybe I'm too optimistic but the first player won't be always the same.
Living proof that everyone can be a brilliant great good decent cartographer.