From Soup to Nuts by the Book
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Clarke wrote:
@Psymon>I am sorry if it feels like I am arguing with you or being overly defensive every time you comment. But it seems like you give me feedback that is being directed only to me and can be contradicted by many maps already published on D12. So I feel like: "Why is that [insert rule here] okay for other maps already published but it is NOT okay for me to do it on my map?"

Can you see how that could make me feel singled out? This also feeds my feelings that those who have maps published hold those who have not to standards that are contradicted on already published maps.

But in conclusion, I do appreciate your assistance and I apologize again if I come off as argumentative and defensive.
PsymonStark wrote:
It has an explanation. The rule was added after those maps were published because with 45-47 territories a 3 player game would start with 15 territories each, and the first player would be able to get 5 reinforcements the first turn, and if he conquered a territory, the attacked player would get only 4. 49-51 territories is similar for 4 players game starting with 12. I don't exactly know why Europe still has 48 territories after two modifications, and Vexer said here that Caribbean Double needed to get either a few more or a few less territories if it gets redone. When I redid South Africa, I made the new map with 54 territories to fit this rule. I think that an easy solution would be giving 11 territories per player and make neutral the rest, and that would open space for nice distributions like 5p with 9 territories each.

Why do you think there is a World Modified map? Because of Oceania being too easy to defend, thus making it unfair for players with bad drops. Caribbean is a weird example of four regions being defended by only one territory.

Both of these rules are in the DXII guide for map making that you should probably reread.

I know that I focus normally on the things that need improvement in my opinion. I understand that I can be too harsh sometimes because we all just devote some free time to make maps instead of something else and I maybe don't be as empathic as I should and discourage (a bit or a lot)...

Also, we may be mistaken! I always try to reply every comment. There is a reason for everything. We may not see it and it's up to the others to help out!
Living proof that everyone can be a brilliant great good decent cartographer.
Clarke wrote:
Did you see my final post at the bottom page 1? Now 52 territories and an extra connecting line. What do you think now?
PsymonStark wrote:
It is fine. I want others to give their opinions too.
Living proof that everyone can be a brilliant great good decent cartographer.
aeronautic wrote:
Apologies! My computer is in the shop for another week, so can only get access to computers in work...

The cartographers also depend on Map Forum helpers such as naathim & Matty & others, who's opinions make a better picture of what is liked and disliked. However, this time of year is not the best to have the full attention of map creation helpers.

My main concern is the shape of the map. I know this is the outline for Massachusetts and you particularly wanted to make a map of this State, but is there a reason why you couldn't expand the map in land area and reduce the territories to suit and perhaps include Connecticut & Rhode Island?
There is a very significant part of the USA here for both Americans & British and that is Boston, where the whole USA independence campaign originated due to the 'last straw' of the taxes imposed by the King where the tea was thrown to the sea in protest of its very high tax, which as you all know started the revolt against British control. It is all of course a much bigger story than this, but most will know the story of 'The Boston Tea Party'. Therefore, you could focus on a theme for the map rather than a specific locked in Geographic location, giving more scope for a better shape to the Game Map.

To give an opinion on what I can currently see from the now updated map that Psymon showed preference to.
The connection line added fixes the problem I think Psymon was pointing out, but there is another bottle neck as well. A picture might help:
Defended by 1 territory (click to show)
I have drawn a grey area for the super region and a suggested red connection line to solve both issues.
Hyd yn oed er fy mod Cymraeg , dim ond yn siarad Saesneg, felly yr wyf yn gobeithio y bydd y cyfieithu yn gywir.
Clarke wrote:
@Aeronautic> You may not believe this, but I thought about the Connecticut and Rhode Island idea while making the MASS map. I had NOT thought about the idea of a late 1700's theme... I like both ideas and will do some research.

I will do a rough up of MA-CT-RI and post it back here.

Thanks for the feedback!
The_Bishop wrote:
Well, some more maps of the States would be cool having many players from there, but usually they have not great shapes for game-play. Probably aeronautic's extension proposal is in the right direction, with historical theme or even not. But I am not sure it can works fine, maybe Long Island can be a nice addition and part of New York why not. Just ideas...
«God doesn't play dice with the World» ~ Albert Einstein
The_Bishop is online.
The_Bishop wrote:
To be more concrete...

Looking at this image:
where the colors i don't know exactly what they stay for...

I was thinking
something like this (click to show)
«God doesn't play dice with the World» ~ Albert Einstein
The_Bishop is online.
PsymonStark wrote:
2x Middlesex, 2x Essex, 2x Suffolk, 2x Bristol... funny :P
Living proof that everyone can be a brilliant great good decent cartographer.
naathim wrote:
Oh lord, if you look at atlases of New England it's so funny. There'll be a town, say a Hartford. Then you look around and you'll find North Hartford, South Hartford, East Hartford and Hartford Fields. It's really hilarious.

In serious map making news. I think Aero solved the connectivity problem. Add a connection line and rejigger the territories so they're not blocked.

But I think Bishop has the best idea, just expand out the region. Play around with territories.

I do like the idea of a historical theme, but that can be hard to pull off.
Clarke wrote:
Here is just a plain map of what todays MA-CT-RI looks like:
Spoiler (click to show)

I found maps of the 3 states from the late 1700's and early 1800's. From that I came up with this:
Spoiler (click to show)

I really like the map the Bishop did making it more regional. However, if I ran with that idea I would feel like I did not make this on my own. I would prefer if future feedback of any map I make not include your own rough drafts. It makes me feel inside as thought I have cheated on an exam. I want to do the work myself.

Bishop>If you want to go forward with that idea, I am more than happy to move on to other map ideas I have and you can have this for yourself with my blessings and no hard feelings at all.

The_Bishop wrote:
Oh... Maybe I had not to post a detailed draft but just the idea in words. But I see it more like a team job. Aeronautic firstly suggested to expand the map, then I was watching that area and said "we should add Long Island" to get a nice shape but it's part of New York, then I saw that image that I gave the link and let's add New York (partially) to the map. I wanted to try by myself to see how it looked and seeing it was looking cool I decided to post it in the forum.

Probably I have good eye for map design, but sometimes getting a good map is more like luck, in any case I have not enough graphic capability to draw the map by myself, since my task here it's mostly to give suggestions to improve the maps in progress. Since if I have to go ahead by myself then I have to ask to someone to make the graphic arrangement.

But also the design is not complete. First of all the geography of that map should be checked because I am not sure. Specially there are many double names that should be fixed. Also some connections should be defined better and some 4-corners to be fixed. Long Island may also be a region by itself, but I don't know. Bonuses are not defined yet, nor the total number of territories that is something usually I care. An eye should thrown also on the caps placement, I would like to use Albany, New York City and Boston as capitals.

Eventually we can work together, or you can go ahead by yourself and if you think my contribution is crucial put my names of cohautor. But I don't really mind for the name. Just I like to give my help when I can, that's all.
«God doesn't play dice with the World» ~ Albert Einstein
The_Bishop is online.
PsymonStark wrote:
Clarke, you shouldn't feel like that. Actually the idea of making a map of this zone is still yours, and we are just giving suggestions. From what I've seen, people don't like straight lines, and the Bishop's draft definitely has a more attractive shaping.

Map making needs by definition teamwork. Only the best ones can make a map on their own. If you continue with any of the drafts, you'll need help from other people to get improvements. In fact, first time map makers are encouraged to find someone to help them on their first job.

@Bishop: We want ATOM! :P
Living proof that everyone can be a brilliant great good decent cartographer.
aeronautic wrote:
Now you have something more suitable to use, you need to find out what rivers and mountain ranges dissect the region and then utilise one or two for the purpose of game-play. Put them in rough for now and let's see how the possibilities of a potential game map look.
Do not waste precious time trying to make the mountains look good, put anything down that you can call mountains.

Let the community look at the map and game-play and the suggestions should start, where you will have the opportunity of tweaking and editing the map to create a game play that everyone believes would be enjoyable & most of all... playable.

It is after this that you start to create the map's finesse.

It is still possible to create a great game play and then fall short on the graphic quality of the map. Therefore, if it is decided that the map needs more, the cartographers are always at hand to assist. We are a team and as such rely on each other for many things. The_Bishop is the best guy to oversee the game play, so whilst the initial creation of the map is in process, please rely on The_Bishop's assistance, he is a straight talking, hot blooded Italian and holds no punches, but his vision & ideas are excellent. Any graphic examples he posts are for visual aids only, as "a picture is worth a 1000 words".
Hyd yn oed er fy mod Cymraeg , dim ond yn siarad Saesneg, felly yr wyf yn gobeithio y bydd y cyfieithu yn gywir.