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YokaH wrote:
Hi (Beta),
I was invited by Beta for a game on the Baltic Sea map,
I was allready on another game. But I saw the map and it looked like a cool map to play. But I can't find it in the list. Is it a new one coming up?
Virtuosity98 wrote:
Yes, currently you can only access the map if in the Beta Testing group or a premium member - the map should be released for all within the next month. At the moment you can only join games on this map for which you have been invited.
It is now Day 8. Please submit your Lynch vote, as well as any Role-specific Day actions you wish to perform (countdown).
Day Actions:
• #LYNCH [player], #NO LYNCH, #ABSTAIN in forum thread.
• Role-specific actions (via PM with V98).

PsymonStark wrote:
Now that the question has been answered, please, could someone (YokaH or any mod) change this thread's name? I don't want people to post here things that belong to the other thread.

Thanks ^^
Living proof that everyone can be a brilliant great good decent cartographer.
YokaH wrote:
Thx, I'm looking forward to playing this map, or to be invited to it