paper map
  • 7 posts
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Votazap wrote:
Hey everybody, I was trying to figure out a unique and interesting idea for a map when I thought of a "paper map". It could be literally drawn out or made in after effects or some other editing software. Now, obviously, it would have to be expertly done(not look like conquer clubs terrible paper map)and be given a lot of attention for fine details. Its just an idea, thats all. What do you guys think?
Votazap wrote:
@Toktz-Jad, I meant the whole map would be drawn on a piece of paper and then uploaded online or it would be made to look like paper but actually just artistic editing.
Fendi wrote:
I have thought of this for a very long time and would love to create one but the problem is not many have access to a scanner large enough for this kind of map.

We only want ones with high resolution, which means pictures taken by phones is not accepted.

And next time, please post your idea in the Map Suggestions section.
UltrasPlot wrote:
I do believe the Italy map will be a sort of paper map, it's made to look like a map on a table I think...