Change gameplay in africa
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urgul wrote:
   First off, africa in world expanded doesnt seem to ever work. i havent witnessed one game where the person who started out in africa won. (unless the person who startes in africa moved into south america or aussie.) it just never seems to work. i say that the cartogrophers do something about the gameplay in africa. make it a tad easier. (sorry fendi i love the map its just that its unfair to whoever the unfortunate person is to have all of their good placement in africa.) btw dont say that people should 'change their strategy' or something. some people get a lot of their placements in africa and its their only hope in the game. anyway, i say the first admendment to the world expanded is a zambia:,8HWw20G

if it doesnt work sorry but im having computer probs. ill try l8r. anyway, i believe that even if zambia's a bad idea, why dont we try something else? i have to admit world expanded seems like the most uneven map if you start in certain places.
also, forgive me for using wrong font, pencil color etc. its just an idea and i want no part of being the sole one who is changing the map.

thanks for listening,
urgul is online.
lifeinpixels wrote:
In every map there will be some areas that are harder and easier to defend. Africa, while difficult, is not bad enough that it will put someone out of a game. I've won quite a few world expanded games by holding Africa. I think it's good to have an area that's more challenging. It makes games more interesting.
urgul wrote:
i think another admendment would be to make east africa worth 3
urgul is online.