Yes, australia now has two borders to defend.
It also has one territory more than South America, making SA more attractive.
However, you can put more troops on indonesia, and less troops on philippines, giving it a small advantage over SA back.
Apart from that its only bordering Asia, which almost always gives a way out, another advantage over SA.
This way its balanced really nice, though I personally still like Aussie better than SA, but it doesn't matter much
Yes, australia now has two borders to defend.
It also has one territory more than South America, making SA more attractive.
However, you can put more troops on indonesia, and less troops on philippines, giving it a small advantage over SA back.
Apart from that its only bordering Asia, which almost always gives a way out, another advantage over SA.
This way its balanced really nice, though I personally still like Aussie better than SA, but it doesn't matter much ;)
"Strength doesn't lie in numbers, strength doesn't lie in wealth. Strength lies in nights of peaceful slumbers." ~Maria