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- Posted: 12 years ago
- Modified: 12 years ago
Post #1
Introducing the Dominating Seasonal Risk Tournaments or DSRT for short.
every season there will be a new tournament, 4 Tournaments a year. If that does not make you happy I don't know what will.
24Hr game, 4 Players, Consecutive turn order, increasing cards, chained fortification, and no fog.
All these rules will remain the same for every DSRT. If you noticed I did not say anything about the game type, that’s because they are going to be both. That’s right, in the winter and summer tournaments we will do capital game type, and in the spring and fall we will do deathmatch game type.
Every DSRT will have 16 players and 10 games and will be double elimination. Players are chosen on a first come first serve basis. If you missed out and want to join the next one then contact marcoxa or crystal and we will send you a message that sign ups have began. If you have any questions about the tournament ask in the comments below and not the other one, that’s what this topic is for.
To Join a DSRT I will release a separate topic in the forums for each one. All you need to do is post your top 3 colors that you want and that’s it! Speaking of colors, colors will be decided by 2 factors. Colors are chosen on a first come first serve basis as well. So if your top color is chosen by another player that chose their top 3 colors before you then it will go to your 2nd or 3rd color choice. This goes by each game so if you end up with your 3rd color choice and make it to another game your 2nd or 1st choice may become available. Do not message me with your colors, only when you post on the topic will you be accepted into the tournament.
Before you join a DSRT please make sure you read the following
*make sure you are not planing a vacation within the next 2 months or so.
*it is highly recommended to check at least 2 times a day for turns.
*if you do not think you can check the site once a day please do not sign up.
*if you time out of a game you will not come back to the game.
*if you lose due to time in the first round of games you may be replaced in some circumstances
*if you are going to be away for a certain period of time and you still really want to join then team up with someone and you may split up the reward.
*play fair, but expect bad moves will happen from other plays or even yourself
*no alliances, at all, no exceptions.
*play to win, but don't get upset if you lose. Its all in good fun and everyone loses at some point.
*and of course all the other D12 rules still apply: http://www.dominating12.com/?cmd=tutorial&act=rules
150 tokens and points will be given to the winner of each DSRT and bragging rights. Also in the future when vexer has time after the more important things on his long list, we are hoping the winner can have a special banner. This banner would be passed on to each winner. Also maybe he can put something in your profile saying the tournaments you have entered, the ones you made it to the final game, and of course when you have won a DSRT. But these are just ideas at the moment. Feel free to comment any ideas as well.
I will now explain how a double elimination DSRT is set up, if you don't get it don't worry. You play the games and we will take care of everything else for you. You will be divided up into The first round of games (game 1, 2, 3, & 4) by a system I will explain in a bit. Winners of all these games will go to game 8. the 2nd place players from these games will go to game 7. and 3rd & 4th from game 1 and 2 will go to game 5, and 3rd and 4th from games 3 and 4 will go to game 6. only 3 players will be left from games 5, 6, & 7 after they are done. Those players will play the 4th place player from game 8 in game 9. 1st, 2nd, and 3rd from game 8 will go to game 10. the winner from game 9 will go to game 10. the winner from game 8 will choose the map him/herself since he or she has 2 lives left in the final game. And winner of game 10 wins it all.
Maps will be chosen by the 4 players in each game. (with exception of game 10) messages will be sent out to each set of 4 and you will vote for a map and you will be given you color for the game. After the map is chosen crystal will set up the game and give you a password. You then may join the game.
Now I will tell you how I go about dividing the 16 players into the 4 games. I will make a list of the 16 players sorting them by their rank, highest to lowest. Each of them will have a number according to their placing of ranks of all the players. For exp:
(1) Vexer
(2) Thorpe
(3) Holt
I will then sort them into their games. For example game 1 will have players 1, 5, 9, and 13. game 2 will have players 2, 6, 10, and 14. and so on. This way there is an even playing field of players.
Click here for a simulation of a DSRT:
every season there will be a new tournament, 4 Tournaments a year. If that does not make you happy I don't know what will.

24Hr game, 4 Players, Consecutive turn order, increasing cards, chained fortification, and no fog.
All these rules will remain the same for every DSRT. If you noticed I did not say anything about the game type, that’s because they are going to be both. That’s right, in the winter and summer tournaments we will do capital game type, and in the spring and fall we will do deathmatch game type.
Every DSRT will have 16 players and 10 games and will be double elimination. Players are chosen on a first come first serve basis. If you missed out and want to join the next one then contact marcoxa or crystal and we will send you a message that sign ups have began. If you have any questions about the tournament ask in the comments below and not the other one, that’s what this topic is for.
To Join a DSRT I will release a separate topic in the forums for each one. All you need to do is post your top 3 colors that you want and that’s it! Speaking of colors, colors will be decided by 2 factors. Colors are chosen on a first come first serve basis as well. So if your top color is chosen by another player that chose their top 3 colors before you then it will go to your 2nd or 3rd color choice. This goes by each game so if you end up with your 3rd color choice and make it to another game your 2nd or 1st choice may become available. Do not message me with your colors, only when you post on the topic will you be accepted into the tournament.
Before you join a DSRT please make sure you read the following
*make sure you are not planing a vacation within the next 2 months or so.
*it is highly recommended to check at least 2 times a day for turns.
*if you do not think you can check the site once a day please do not sign up.
*if you time out of a game you will not come back to the game.
*if you lose due to time in the first round of games you may be replaced in some circumstances
*if you are going to be away for a certain period of time and you still really want to join then team up with someone and you may split up the reward.
*play fair, but expect bad moves will happen from other plays or even yourself
*no alliances, at all, no exceptions.
*play to win, but don't get upset if you lose. Its all in good fun and everyone loses at some point.
*and of course all the other D12 rules still apply: http://www.dominating12.com/?cmd=tutorial&act=rules
150 tokens and points will be given to the winner of each DSRT and bragging rights. Also in the future when vexer has time after the more important things on his long list, we are hoping the winner can have a special banner. This banner would be passed on to each winner. Also maybe he can put something in your profile saying the tournaments you have entered, the ones you made it to the final game, and of course when you have won a DSRT. But these are just ideas at the moment. Feel free to comment any ideas as well.
I will now explain how a double elimination DSRT is set up, if you don't get it don't worry. You play the games and we will take care of everything else for you. You will be divided up into The first round of games (game 1, 2, 3, & 4) by a system I will explain in a bit. Winners of all these games will go to game 8. the 2nd place players from these games will go to game 7. and 3rd & 4th from game 1 and 2 will go to game 5, and 3rd and 4th from games 3 and 4 will go to game 6. only 3 players will be left from games 5, 6, & 7 after they are done. Those players will play the 4th place player from game 8 in game 9. 1st, 2nd, and 3rd from game 8 will go to game 10. the winner from game 9 will go to game 10. the winner from game 8 will choose the map him/herself since he or she has 2 lives left in the final game. And winner of game 10 wins it all.
Maps will be chosen by the 4 players in each game. (with exception of game 10) messages will be sent out to each set of 4 and you will vote for a map and you will be given you color for the game. After the map is chosen crystal will set up the game and give you a password. You then may join the game.
Now I will tell you how I go about dividing the 16 players into the 4 games. I will make a list of the 16 players sorting them by their rank, highest to lowest. Each of them will have a number according to their placing of ranks of all the players. For exp:
(1) Vexer
(2) Thorpe
(3) Holt
I will then sort them into their games. For example game 1 will have players 1, 5, 9, and 13. game 2 will have players 2, 6, 10, and 14. and so on. This way there is an even playing field of players.
Click here for a simulation of a DSRT:
Spoiler (click to show)