Strategies and Gripes
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Vexer wrote:
I will have to think more before giving a proper reply.
Cireon wrote:
perhaps have an option to either pick teams or have them random
This. I think random teams should also be an option. It will possibly be less popular, but the option should remain. It often occurs I play games with complete strangers, then the random teams should be an option. I am a bit concerned though about balance in games. If the two strongest players in a game team up, it is no fun at all for other players. Random distribution could also be replaced by a method that tries to make teams as fair as possible, depending on ranks or something.

I am very curious to what changes this discussion about the issues leads. Although I can live with it, there are certainly some annoyances and if we can find a way to get rid of them, the general experience would probably be a lot better.

Though, I want to stress the following: every community and every game has to deal with other people (newbies, trolls, ...) that can make the experience less fun. Truth is: the internet is full of it so it is okay to try and have them have less impact on the game, but they will never be fully gone.
“This is how humans are: We question all our beliefs, except for the ones that we really believe in, and those we never think to question.”
- Speaker for the Dead, O.S. Card
MuzuaneAskari wrote:
Paddin, I have an idea to use just in some Capital games to avoid these desperate movements.

In these hypothetic kind of games we would have 2 ways of winning and 2 kind of losers (some would lose points, some others don´t). It´s easier to explain it with an example.

Imagine we are in a 9 players capital game. The 2 ways of winning are:
1) Be the last player alive. You get the points as it´s done now.
2) Conquer 4 (for example) capitals and you would recive only the points according to the eliminated players. You should have the option of claiming the victory, because you may want to try a complete victory. In case you don´t clame the victory in the turn you had the opportunity of doing it, you won´t have it again and you will need a complete Victory.

Of course there are some other criteria to the second victory option (% of territories, hold a number of continents, etc), the only important thing is that some players will have the option to "offer the leader" a way of getting the victory without being eliminated (and keeping their points). Actually, whit this 2 ways of victory we would be creating the scenario to a negotiation, and one of the most probable behaviours of the players willing "negotiate" would be an exagerated acumulation of troops in their capitals (yes, I think even more than now).

I guess I wouldn´t play this games (I think "desperate movementes" are in the essence of this game and you have to deal with it) but I think this option can be chosen for players who wants to face only rational reactions.

Gato que avanza, Perro que ladra
Paddlin wrote:
This is a great set of ideas. I hadn't thought of it in terms of accumulating property or defeating capitals. That expands the way points could be considered and divided up in multiple game types. Nice.