Hmmmm awesome mmmmmm
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Votazap wrote:
Alright there are 2 small options I would like.

#1 We need a button when creating a games that says "how many games ?" So you could make as many I the same game as you want.

#2 For premium member their should be a " join all button".

What do you think?
Vexer wrote:
i don't like the ideas at all.
I'd rather not make it easier to set up mutliple of the same game at a time. What happens is that instead of one game filling up first all the games will slowly fill up and the non premium players would have their 5 game tied up until it starts. It's much better to wait for the first game to fill up and then start the second.

Also, a join all button is irresponsible. I know it would lead to players joining more games than they have time for.
Matty wrote:
As a matter of fact, I dont like players to join just all games, because than you play against the same players all the time.
I choose my games always so that I dont play against Fendi in all games that I have open at the same time (just to name a random person), because I want to win play with others as well

So if it discourages ppl to join all games by just not adding that button, that seems like a great idea to me :)
"Strength doesn't lie in numbers, strength doesn't lie in wealth. Strength lies in nights of peaceful slumbers." ~Maria