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Pntbttr wrote:
I would like some advice on how to play risk better...I always seem to make one mistake or another and people always get mad and don't want to play with me...What is your strategy?

I do pretty well in capitals it's mostly deathmatches...
Thorpe wrote:
My strategy....I DIE!!!
Your not the only one that suck @ deathmatches!
95.5% of the time you kill a players cap before your 2nd turn in... you fail or die next
Vexer wrote:
here's some strategy for increasing games since you seem to be playing increasing games as if they were fixed. Stop attacking to break regions. You always assume that you better attack them before they attack you but that way of thinking only guarantees that you lose armies. Whereas if you don't attack then there is a chance they won't attack you and you won't lose any armies. Let someone else attack that player and keep your armies. 

It's like you're playing the game as if there are only two players, you are one player and everyone else is the other player. You can't win that game. The way to win is to not be the weakest player and position your troops to kill the weakest player when the time is right. The best way to not be the weakest player is to not attack except to get a card and don't provoke others to attack you by taking a region before you have enough troops to defend it or by taking too many regions.
thaithai wrote:
i accept what Vexer said. that is a good lesson Vexer. you need learn "position your troops to kill the weakest player when the time is right." . i will guide u how to do that:
you also learn how to protect weakest player, feed card to weakest player then eat him .

don't opening you region when there is a territory of weakest player near your region. you sure there is a territory of weakest player near you, if you attack that territory to have more bonus u will give cards of weakest player to other player.remember this.

first round and second round try to get a region.then strongen your region.then trying to guess who will be weakest and up your guys near him, u maybe guess wrong, no worry, try to guess again, u will guess right.if there is a lot basic players in your game, u should strongly protect ur region because they will attack u to sure u can't attack them.
thaithai wrote:
each player has each strategy, such as in 4 players game, Vexer likes to ally to other to attack the strongest for a balance game, so he chat alot to manipulate other until he is the strongest.
in 4 players game, i rarely attack the strongest for a balance game, i try to protect the weakest, feed card to the weakest,blocking the way to other player defeating the weakest, i make sure only i can defeat the weakest.
BrewDog wrote:
Increasing cards seems to be about timing your turn ins at the right time to take out a player that has cards, then mounting an overwhelming attack force. I've yet to get this down too well. Caps, I'm a noob. Sometimes in death match it is wise to co-exist for a time to gain strength.
Pntbttr wrote:
thanks guys I'll try using this info when I'm playing

at first I was trying to get a region or two and just holding it getting cards and trying to be ingnored until the end
and then I started getting more aggressive and going all out to stop people from taking over...
neither of them worked well...
BrewDog wrote:
Thaithai I made the name "13th Dominator" for myself. =) It is my only account.
Vexer wrote:
the only reason why your strategy of just getting a region and then getting cards didn't work for you is because you were probably getting cards from the wrong territories. You have to get cards from a section of the map that is not near your region. The bulk of your forces that are on your regions borders need to be free to go kill someone. You have to keep your paths clear. And if the timing seems right, combine your forces from two borders on to one. Even though your region will get broken, you'll be able to kill the weak player easier with more troops on one territory.

Strategy is easier to learn when you play live games. You can learn from watching other players. You play too many regular games and not enough live. It's too difficult to learn from someone else's strategy in a regular game.