4p on Oregon Cities (Advanced) Map
  • 94 posts
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Fendi wrote:
Hello all.

We have decided that it is time for a tournament.
It has also been decided that each game should consist of 4 players on the Oregon Cities (Advanced) Map.

You can sign up by simply writing " I'm in " in this thread.

This will be a regular game tournament. Please wait for further information about how it is structured and when it will start.
Feel free to ask if You have any questions and I will try my best to answer them.

Take care.

Votazap wrote:
Sorry it really depends on what day and what time it will take place so I cant say I am in till I know.
Holt wrote:
Im in... please let me know asap when it will be so i can make sure i can be online...
Vexer wrote:
btw this is a regular game tournament that will probably take weeks to play. We don't have things in place to do a live tournament. Code will have to be written for live tournaments so that the tournament is carried out automatically by the server. It's too time consuming to make the games manually and I doubt the players would want to have to wait around for the next game to start.

So anyone who is going to be on vacation within the next month should not join unless they know they will have daily access to the internet.