Back for the most part
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1771 wrote:
Hello my friends my fearless opponents. I am back!!!! Not full speed, more like half speed. I have joined a couple regular games, will play live every once in awhile. It's going to take some time for me to get caught up to speed because I have been gone for so long. So give me a few weeks before asking me any of the big questions. I need to do some catching up with the other Admins. Sorry for the length of time I was away, had to go through many things, to even get myself back in the mood for any type of games.

I would like to thank Vexer, and Fendi for doing what they have done while I have been away and what they continue to do day to day. I also would like to thank Teck, for the thing she has done and continues to do. Also anyone else that has been apart of helping this site grow. I do not know exactly what has happened while I was away, but I did see a couple changes already.

I would personally like to thank my friend Vexer for getting me off my butt, and coming back!!! Thank you my friend !!! Your facebook message was quite encouraging..Got the laptop!!! A few weeks early, just cause I got bit by the bug last night!!!

I still got alot going on in my life so it will be a slow process, give me time and before you know it I will be full strength again.

I will be on this evening if there are any takers!!!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY FRIEND!!!!!! Won't mention any names..Nate!!!
Thorpe wrote:
You my friend have been missed and talked about A LOT!!! I was asking about you last night! Does God work...ask and you will receive !!!

Fendi has tried to be the Queen...but you bring something special to the site! The way you laughed at me when I was a newbie and made the dumb moves I made, without me feeling stupid, is a rare gift. The smoothness of your chat makes everyone feel that you really enjoy them being here playing a game with you. Fendi tries but you "da KING" have the spark of life that you put on the hill top for ever-one to feel its brightness and warmth.

Vexer is right you should be called father and not "da King". The way you lead us in this site is like a father...firm...kind...and loving. We have tried to do what you taught us...but we have fallen short. Without the father leading us, some were running around, like a chicken with their heads cut off! To many, it was like a heart felt death of a real father that very few did not love. To others there was no purpose to belong anymore and fell to the waste side hoping to have you return and pick them up again.

As for me and others, we just keep walking in that daze of having misplaced something not remembering where we placed it, putting one foot in front of the other as if we are zombies. Hoping to find the one thing that means so much to us...that special gem called...da King!

You have filled my heart with those warm fuzzies with those words..."I'M BACK"

Welcome back

Dang I need a tissue!

95.5% of the time you kill a players cap before your 2nd turn in... you fail or die next
thaithai wrote:
sorry, what is "da King"?
i won't call 1771 is father. he is my friend.
Vexer wrote:
Well thaithai, he's not your father or my father, he is 'the father' meaning the site's father. Not that he created the site, but he is like a father to the site. He keeps the family together.
Leedog wrote:
"Welcome back,
Your dreams were your ticket out.
Welcome back,
To that same old place that you laughed about.
Well the names have all changed since you hung around,
But those dreams have remained and they're turned around.
Who'd have thought they'd lead ya (Who'd have thought they'd lead ya)
Here where we need ya (Here where we need ya)
Yeah we tease him a lot cause we've hot him on the spot, welcome back,
Welcome back, welcome back, welcome back."

Vexer wrote:
wow, i had to wikipedia that reference. Are you older than I think you are? That show was well before my time.
Thorpe wrote:
Welcome back Mr. Kotter!...It was in my TIME!!!
I guess my mind is still here!
95.5% of the time you kill a players cap before your 2nd turn in... you fail or die next
-NoXoN- wrote:

 I also would like to thank Teck, for the thing she has done
1771 wrote:
It was a misprint...LOL.. I noticed it after you had said something. Sorry MR. Teck my old friend. Thank You All!!!
Pntbttr wrote:
Yeah I was going to say "TECK IS A GIRL!? How come I never knew this!?" but I forgot...^_^
Vexer wrote:
Well i made a lot of enemies pretending to be an admin to help fendi while 1771 was away. So now that 1771 is back send your messages to either him or Fendi. I'm done.