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Thorpe wrote:
AS I see it:

This is "GAME CENTER" on the epic game contest.

We are now half-way between in the first turn in the game of the top 8 players here on D12 and who is ahead one may ask? I will let you decide.

The chat line is now open and only two contestants seem to be going at it.

Vexer (king of the chat) countered the beginning chat with his "poor is me" card...trying to make the other players think he has no chance cause every one his out to get him. Nice move on his part.

Sekretar started the chat with his "you will die" card and trying to get the other players think he is out to get only Vexer. What a great opening line.

Will the other players buy into what they say or will they worry about keeping them small? Time will tell!


thaithai has the best set-up with sekretar, and jaconan coming in right behind him. It really is to close to call between the three contestants.

Vexer, NoXon, lucide, Glanru and k_w_cheng will have to fight for a foot-hold some place in the world. Can they do it with-out making them a easy prey for the other players?

It seems like the only player that has an interest in getting a Risk Card is jaconan but unlucky for him he lost his men at the battle and killed not one troop of Vexers. Bad luck or as Vexer says the % were against him.

Stay tuned for more updates..."As I see it"
95.5% of the time you kill a players cap before your 2nd turn in... you fail or die next
Thorpe wrote:
AS I see it:

This is Thorpe your "Ace" reporter telling you about the game of the heavy-weights!

The second half in the first turn, of what people are calling an "Epic Game" on Dominating, showed a lot more action!!!

lucide came at sekretar and unlucky for sekretar, took Iceland away from him. Bringing a much needed area bonus. If he keeps it he will be able to get "5" placement armies.

Not to be out done in this battle, the underdog k_w_cheng went in for a kill against -Noxon-. Giving it right back against lucide with his own bonus, making his placement armies at "5" also!!! This dog has a bite to him!

thaithai went for a kill against sekretars seasoned Bolivia warriors. They pushed back at thaithai and killed two troops, but thaithai was not done and attacked again and killed one of sekretars troop. Hanging his head down he regrouped his troops and went after k_w_chengs S. Central Brazilian. The now seasoned warriors did not want to hang their hands down killed the Brazilian troops with no problems and giving him a card.  Talk about a killer!!!

Glanru was the last player and trying to get a foot-hold took on -Noxon-with his unproven troops in Kenya. They gave him a fight but was soon over-ran by the 6 armies against them. He might not of got a bonus but he did get a much needed card.

As I see it the real winner on this round was thaithai with his safe country in the far bottom on the map and coming close to getting a bonus.

lucide and k_w_cheng are right next to each other with their countries touching each other, plus with the other players around them it will be hard to hold their bonuses.

This is your "Ace" reporter saying:

95.5% of the time you kill a players cap before your 2nd turn in... you fail or die next
Thorpe wrote:

AS I see it:

The opening of the second turn had Vexer showing what he is going for - the bonus of for right dab in the middle of Africa. He took sekretar troops away and cutting him down to 9 countries. Vexer still has his options open though for other areas. Watch out boys and girls this contestant is just ruthless!

jaconan showed what area he's going for also. He attacked Vexers troops in Borneo with a kill. keeping his combat fronts strong he sent reinforcements to PNG. At this point he could lose all his options to go somewhere else, this can work for him or then again it could make taking him out easier.

is using a different strategy by placing his men all over the board having a lot of counties with "5" to "6" armies and the other ones with only "1". Is he waiting for the other players to kill each other and then will he come and clean up? mmm...He did post in the forum..."I only know who will lose(me). I'm very bad in World Expanded Map"

has received his first hard fought for card from lucide armies in Turkmenistan by taking that country over. Will he go continue and get his bonus? Time will tell. As of right now he should have been the one that said "I never thought I had a chance to win this game anyway, too many enemies"

>[/u] did not want k_w_cheng to received his bonus of +2, so he attacked BP and took it away. He reinforced Iceland to try to keep the area +2 bonus strong. He now has "4" armies in Iceland and "6" in Scandnavia. I can't wait to see what he does with them! This "Ace Reporter" was told with a laugh..."I will win cause Fendi voted for me".

answered back at lucide with only one thing "RETREAT %$%#$" He took back BP and then fortified giving "4" armies beside lucides "6" armies. Will they continue to go back and forth? The disadvantage to this thinking is that lucide has his turn first with a +2 bonus. They can continue with the fighting and sooner or later some-one will win, but letting the others players keep growing.

thaithai attacked those pesky troops in Bolivia again. Again as in the last turn he had to attack from two countries to take it away from sekretar! Now if he can hold on to his +2 bonus he might be able to start doing something.

Glanru finished the 2 round by trying to get a +2 area bonus, which unlucky for him ended with a retreat from the battle. He received "0" kills and "0" cards against jaconan troops in Somalia. Glanru was the only player not get a card this turn!

Your Ace Reporter saying:

"Good Hunting"

95.5% of the time you kill a players cap before your 2nd turn in... you fail or die next
Thorpe wrote:
The next time you will hear from this reporter is at the end of round 4. I will tell you how "As I see" how the 8 players strategy are working for them and not give you a play by play.

So stay tune!

Your Ace Reporter saying:

"Good Hunting"
95.5% of the time you kill a players cap before your 2nd turn in... you fail or die next
Pntbttr wrote:
great report wouldn't be an "Epic game" without you.
Thorpe wrote:
Here I go again!

As I see it:

Talk about action there has been alot of movement!

The biggest mover seems to be Glanru ending with 6 placement armies and places that he can move from. It looks as if he likes to have his break three other players prevent them from having getting their bonus armies.  Maybe he has other plans from "Mosconia". I will be watching.

sekretar comes in close 2nd with his placement of 6 also. He has alot of countries that are pretty strong with at least 4 armies in each of them. Going to be fun to see what the "King of Deathmatches" is going to do next! If Glanru thinks he can break him...he may find himself in a real battle to take his bonus away. But sekretar still has to worry about k_w_cheng attacking him to take away his bonus. With that said:

"private" k_w_cheng is someone people are asking why his in this battle...but he really is not a "private" at all! For some reason he does not want to rank up, his skill is @14 with only 123 games! Watch this player in "sheeps clothing"!

thaithai is having some bad roles that is giving him ahard time getting movement. He seems not to want to take over N. Central Brazil with only one army in it, cause sitting on the edge is NoXon an army of 10. Will he stay clear of of NoXons 10 or he may be waiting for him to move his 10 somewhere else. Sooner or later he might have deal with this problem...mmm...Will he still make me proud?

Talk about a player...lucide is making Fendi proud! He seems to be moving slowly but surely and seems to be able to take more countries. In the next few turns and with his bonus country getting stronger and stronger he will either make Fendi proud or? I will keep a eye on this guy!

jaconon seems a little shy to get his bonus of 4 armies and seems to take interest in 2 bonus down in Australia. Is he keeping a low profile or just scared? Vexer is also down in Ausie to keep him honest, plus he will have to take a neutral country to get his bonus...mmm...wish I could get into his brain and know why.

The last two players seem to be having problems getting a foot-hold on anything.

Vexer maybe right... he has all contestants against him! Is he trying to lay low and wait for the other players to trade-in or is it just bad luck? I think he is just waiting, cause I've played and watched this player, when you think you have him...he wins! Yet another ...mmm...

-NoXon- is still at the bottom of the list of players with most of his eggs in a couple of places. 10 in Guinea...6 taking in the sun in the Caribbean...and 5 digging for gems in the rich desert of Africas "DRC"

"As I See It"

lucide has moved up with now even odds...with 4 cards
thaithai is still in second with 2 to 1 odds...with 4 cards
k_w_cheng has moved up from underdog with 3 to 1 odds...with 4 cards
sekretar has moved to 4 to 1 odds... with 3 cards
Glanru comes up with 5 to 1 odds...with 3 cards
jaconan moves down with 6 to 1 odds...with 3 cards
-NoXon- and Vexer tie with 8 to 1 odds...with 3 cards each

Seems like the only two players using the chat is Vexer and thaithai at this point.
Vexer with I'm such a nice guy move...making sekretar feel more like a man by changing sekretars color reom pink to orange. What a guy! Thx Vexer.
thaithai saying he's throwing in the towel already with "I lose this game"...leave me alone card. This is just the 4th turn my man!

This is your "ACE" reporter...reporting it
      AS I SEE IT

Good Hunting!
Now go out and kill something!

95.5% of the time you kill a players cap before your 2nd turn in... you fail or die next
Thorpe wrote:
thx for the support Crystal and Pntbttr.
I don't really know if others like it.
95.5% of the time you kill a players cap before your 2nd turn in... you fail or die next
Thorpe wrote:
So just four people...takes me about four hours to do the "As I See It"
so I'm spending one hour with you guys each!!!
Looking at the write it all down...then writing it in the forum (picking at the keys...not a good speller,either) and then editing most of my mistakes. And it about 2am - 3am when I start to write this and finish it about an hour later.
95.5% of the time you kill a players cap before your 2nd turn in... you fail or die next
Thorpe wrote:
Almost 3am now! So thx for liking what I do...but
"As I See It"
It's worth doing!
95.5% of the time you kill a players cap before your 2nd turn in... you fail or die next
Mike wrote:
Crazy ..... yes .... but imagine the in-depth knowledge you will have on all these players !..... lol