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blockbuster19 wrote:
I was thinking that if more than 8 p could join a game it could be cool....those looking for a long game anyway.I dont know if this topic should be in maps or not but this is what i have to say...I think we should try to make bigger maps.( i mean like 2-3 times as big as our other maps)...if that was possible,then maybe we could make maybe up to 20 players in one game!!!..those who want a very long game could do regular ...those who wanted a SHORTER game could live..those big maps could come with premium maybe???...or they could just be up to buy like the other maps???..i dont know but please share your thoughts...
Glanru wrote:
A current issue with large maps is that it is difficult to do all of your placement, attacks, and reinforcement in a 5 minute turn on a live game. Just something to consider.
Pntbttr wrote:
I don't know it sounds like a crazy idea for live games, but you might be able to do it in regular.
Vexer wrote:
even if I made a map that was 3 times bigger in length (you would have to do a lot of scrolling) I still think that 8 players would be enough. It could take weeks for a turn if there were 20 players. Players who don't have premium probably wouldn't join.

I have considered making a gigantic map but I thought people wouldn't want to scroll that much.
1771 wrote:
They aren't that great I played them on LandGrab, although LandGrab's graphics are the worst of any website I have seen, the game still took forever, more territories mean way more men which means longer battles equals more time. But at the same time it is another option, and the more options the better if you ask me. Maybe we could see about lengthening the time in that certain game, but before that first we need to get that add 5 minutes after the kill. We really need that. I am going to talk to Teck and see what we can do.
Vexer wrote:
i sent Teck a message about the add 5 minutes after the kill thing. I suggested instead that the time be reset to 4 or 5 minutes after a kill instead of adding. So if you had 2 minutes left when you made the kill the time would be reset to 4 (i think 4 is better) or 5 minutes instead giving you 7 minutes. I think this is more fair to the players waiting while still giving you plenty of time for each kill.
I tried finding the original thread where we discussed this to show Teck, but couldn't find it. Do you remember where it was posted 1771?
I told Teck that I thought that this should be priority #1 and I refrained from telling him about the dozens of other things that need his attention to emphasize how important this is.
blockbuster19 wrote:
ok,i forgot to say that possibly the timer could be 8 min?...i dont know,but i think the idea is cool....oh,and for the scrolling,the territories could just be smaller...you know,just bi enough for the circle thing..but if it doesnt work out thats finr too :)
ataker wrote:
20 players? often i wait for 30mins to start a 3 player game.
cody224 wrote:
If this Option doesn't work, I think it would be cool to do this once a week, or once a month. Or like a Dominating12 Anniversary. Some other sites do this, and it seems to be working for them.

I think when 4mygod made this site, it was his intention to have the top 12 players(the Dominating12) be recognized, and what better way to do it then put all 12 players in one game. It could be on Eld world, and Capital. Of course to do this, the Password option would have to be made.

Or back to the 20 people per map, I think its a great idea. It would be absolute Chaos, which is Awesome!!!!! Imagine this being on Freestyle Mode(Sametime), with 20-30 players with everyone only getting 1-2 territories. I don't know about everyone else, But I would so join that game.
Vexer wrote:
I personally like the normal limit to be 8 players. However, I did like the idea of having the dominating 12 play in one game. I think the Eld world map is too small, it would have to be the Africa map. It is hard enough to fairly place 8 capitals on a map let alone 12. A couple players would end up with an unfair disadvantage. I'd rather play it without capitals.
I think that the site needs a 100 territory map. this would work best for a 12 player game. but I first want to see a 50-60 territory map - a map that between the world map and the Africa map in number of territories. (world map is 42 and Africa is 71)
cody224 wrote:
There's a map in the "Map Creation" Thread that would have the 100 territories. I think its a version of the current World map, mixed with the idea of World 2.1 from CC. Im not sure if 4mygod, or WCA created it, but it has potential to be a great map. It was just never implented in the game.