• 3 posts
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4myGod wrote:
I have some good news. I posted an article about this, you can see the full article by clicking "My Account" on the top bar and looking at the latest article.

Anyways, the good news is that we have a new programmer who will be taking over the site from me. As you all have known I am very busy as a missionary in Thailand, and I don't have the time to devote to this site. So a friend of mine will take the site. He will be much more active than I ever was, and he will be able to fix bugs AND add new features. Amazing huh?

Anyways, the article has more about this handover, but the bottom line is he is taking the site. The site will have a short downtime in the near future to transfer hosting. Don't worry either, I'm not going anywhere, I'm gonna be just as inactive as I was before, playing a few games every now and again and visiting the forums sometimes. I'll also be helping him get the feel of the code and always there to give him more ideas in case you guys run out of ideas, which I doubt you will.

Please welcome him, his name is Teck. He lives in Australia. He enjoys long walks on the beach and reading books by the fireplace... joking, I don't really know if he enjoys those things, I'm sure he does though, who wouldn't?
Dsds7292 wrote:
That's great! Could you let me know when we are going to have down time. I need to finish 2 regular games I am winning