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alunturner wrote:
New browser extension available

Hi everybody, posting an update here due to a new development.

I have just released a new (browser extension) version of the thing I built a while back. Please find it here: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/dominating-12-visualiser/pdnnfblnhjhgakieoghboaonljcgmngg

When you turn it on, it will make the game log interactive so that you can click on a log entry to see what the board looked like at that point in time.

To control it either:
- click on a log entry to view that
- press W/S to move forward/backward one log entry
- press A/D to move backward/forward one player
- press Q/E to move backward/forward one round

Please post any issues that you find with it here, so they're all in one place.

Any donations towards development appreciated here: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/alunturner

Please tell people you play games with about it. The more people that use it, the faster I can find and fix issues. Cheers!
tcjohans wrote:
Hello Alun,

Thank you for your work. I remember the web page where you used to host the application, at https://art-visualiser.netlify.app, and it was great.

I've tried to download and activate the extension on my Chrome browser, but it doesn't seem to work right now.

At chrome://extensions/, the application is listed as "Dominating 12 Visualiser", and the switch is set to On (to the right, blue color).

However, when visiting https://dominating12.com/game/1423246, I cannot see any Visualiser listed among the tabs.

Yesterday, when I got and installed the extension, there did appear a tab (perhaps it was called "Visualiser Log" ?), but that tab is not visible today on my Chrome browser.

Also, I remember that yesterday, when I tried to click one of the entries in that log, nothing happened.

So, these are my comments for now. I hope they may be helpful to identify possible issues or bugs and get them fixed, and I'm looking forward to see more of the Visualiser.

tcjohans is online.
anuorre wrote:
I find it super cool you can use this on a LIVE game even before it has ended. Doesn't work on FOG, was hoping to gain an unfair advantage ;)

If you're using Chrome (which I believe you are) it should appear. Some thoughts and comments:

- it works for me, extension might be auto-hidden in the jigsaw like icon
- the control buttons work but it is not user friendly
- there is a bug (at least when i tested out): Game 1425689 and timestamp: 07 Sep, 02:45:58. Even though the territory is owned by Green, the territory is greyed out (neutral)
- there is another bug, your troop reinforcement numbers in the dashboard isn't accurate. See this game. It's a live game
- when you move the controls, could you move the log too in tandem?
  • I understand you highlight the active log row - keep that.
  • But as you move through timestamps, ensure that the highlight portion is always visible in the log.
  • Eg IF highlighted portion is mid section of the viewable log, log remains static
  • IF highlighted portion is moving up/ down into non-viewable section, log auto adjusts so that the highlighted portion remain in viewable log right at the top/ bottom
- are you opposed to adding JS? Add buttons (left/ right) rather than keyboard buttons so it's more user friendly over mobile. Rest of the keys too (A/D Q/E) can be incorporated as directional buttons too
- are you able to add JS animation whenever there is an action? (adding troops, attacking, etc)
  • Quite hard to know where action is unless you: check log > toggle key > see map.
  • Simple animation to direct attention to the action (eg Indonesia attacked Papua New Guinea, animation is where the troop numbers changed).
  • FYI this is even harder when there are fictional maps & territories, try finding Hasananaan here.
  • I know you can click on the territory and it is highlighted on the map but it involves additional steps by the user

That's all for now.

Nice work!
alunturner wrote:

There's turning the extension on at chrome://extensions, (ie making the browser use the extension) then there's turning the individual extension on (ie clicking it so that the blue label says "ON";). I've tried it on another computer and it seems to be working for me, but I don't really think extensions are super user friendly. Would you mind having another go?
alunturner wrote:

Thanks for the game report, very helpful - there's definitely something not quite right with the neutral territory allocation at the beginning, so I can check out 1425689 to investigate that.

Troop reinforcements can't be accurately calculated without access to the logic that dictates the territory bonuses for a map. I don't have access to that information, so that can't be achieved currently.

Regarding keeping the selection visible, that is possible but the simplest implementation was horrible to use (as it keeps scrolling the whole window when you're trying to watch a game) so I stripped it out. A nicer solution will be a bit lengthier but I agree it will improve the extension.

I have plans to improve the interface further, which doesn't include buttons but would address your request. And yes I agree that displaying all the info on the map visually is the ultimate aim as it will negate the need for looking at the log.
tcjohans wrote:

There's turning the extension on at chrome://extensions, (ie making the browser use the extension) then there's turning the individual extension on (ie clicking it so that the blue label says "ON";). I've tried it on another computer and it seems to be working for me, but I don't really think extensions are super user friendly. Would you mind having another go?

Ok, thank you for the explanation. I've now turned on the extension so that the blue label says "ON", and the "Visualiser log" is now indeed visible on my screen, but still nothing happens when I click one of the log entries in that log with the mouse's left button.
tcjohans is online.
alunturner wrote:
Which game is it that you're looking at tcjohans? It could be that that individual game doesn't work for some reason.
tcjohans wrote:
Oh, apologies, it works fine! I had misunderstood one thing. The visualization indeed seems to work fine.
tcjohans is online.
The_Bishop wrote:
My PC is broken and I don't think I can see it on my phone, right?
«God doesn't play dice with the World» ~ Albert Einstein
alunturner wrote:
Bishop: Yes I'm afraid that's my understanding of it. I don't think you can run extensions on chrome mobile.

TcJohans: glad to hear it's working. Probably indicates it needs a bit more work to highlight that it's working properly when it's turned on.
alunturner wrote:
anuorre, next version (0.0.2) features the fix for the game you listed and is just going through the extension approval process
anuorre wrote:
@alanturner just want to say thanks again. have used it a couple times, fantastic! Got to replay the fog games and could see that brilliant decisions people make as they move through the fog.
alunturner wrote:
@anuorre. No worries. The approval I was referring to is from some part of google. Chrome extensions need to go through an approval process to be listed, and then whenever they're changed. It means I can't simply change the code and immediately make it available on the store, any changes have to be added to a new version and then reapproved. It seems to take about a day to do that at the moment.

@bradyq please help out by telling people you play with about it! The more people who use it the better I can make it.

I think I'll probably be attacking follow on tasks towards the end of the month. Likely to be:
- improving the interface somewhat:
   - try to make the game log container scroll automatically so that you can always see the highlighted item
   - adding an interactive timeline so you have a visual representation of where you are in the game