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jamesjulius wrote:
I see from the suggestions section that private games are "in the works" but that post was from January. Anyone know how this option is coming along and when it will be ready for use?
Vexer wrote:
the site admin is pretty busy these days. it may be awhile before anything gets done.
jamesjulius wrote:
Well...I hope it is viewed as a high priority. Invitation only games are a must.

dsds7292...sure, I will play chess with you.

How long will this site be able to fly under the radar before the map has to be changed due to copyright infringement? has happened at Conquer Club. The Classic map there is a graphic design failure. The map here is beautiful, that's why I am here.
Vexer wrote:
Yeah, I hate the map on CC too. That is also one of the main reasons why I play here. That and the stupid deferred troops players get after missing a turn.

Hasbro has already contacted the site and demanded that changes be made to the map. I am assuming that 4myGod will eventually get to it but he is very busy right now. I think CC went a little over board in changing their world map. I am confident that whatever changes 4myGod has to make, the map will still be beautiful.

I also agree that private games are a priority. If more people would buy premium, maybe 4myGod could afford to hire a programmer, since he is so busy himself. I would do it for free but I don't know how to program in any modern language.
jamesjulius wrote:
The dots and lines on CC's Classic map are hideous. The old Classic Art map they had was a great solution, although it was an abstraction. The point is, it's better to play on a map with borders, where the pieces move from territory to territory like chess pieces. The Classic Art map was just rectangles for territories, but the game play was the same.

Anyway, at whatever pace you guys can move, you're doing a nice job so far.
jamesjulius wrote:
Also, a note box for the create a game page would be nice. If there was a note box you could write "invitation only" in lieu of a password.

And, once you join a game, can you quit the game while the start is still pending?

It's kind of funny...CC's board is too ugly to play on...Major Command's board is far removed from the original Risk layout...and here, where the Risk board is accurate and beautiful, you can not set up a private game!
Vexer wrote:
have patience. private games will get done.
also, once you join a game you can quit before it starts. just enter the game and click leave game.