post live games to active players
  • 3 posts
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Mike wrote:
Everytime we log in a new game a general message should post to all active members the # and and if its live or not, given them a chance to know and possibly play that game ...... Just a suggestion !
4myGod wrote:
Yeah, the worry is in the future live games might be starting constantly and people don't want to receive a bunch of spam on their page. So instead I've put in the invite button. What happens is you type in someones name and it sends them an invite popup on their screen. So you can look at the forums to see who is online then invite them and the invite will pop up in the top left corner of their screen saying: "so-and-so has invited you to Live Game 1232" and that is a link they can click to go to the game.
cody224 wrote:
Or maybe an option to turn off invites for a period of time if you dont want to keep getting invited to multiple live games.