Why are live games so unpopular?
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Gen-Sublime wrote:
Hey guys and girls,

I can't get my head around how few people on this site actually wish to play quick games. Surely there are others out there who don't like to wait 24hrs each go!

Be great if we can increse the amount of live games, I would like to see an option for 1 minute per turn so that the games reflects more of the fun elements.

I hope someone agrees....!

Mr. Sub.
cody224 wrote:
If you go to any game site, its the same. People do not want to play live games in the middle of the day, come back at around the late evening, or afternoon. There are alot of players who play live games, you just have to find the time their online. If you want to try to increase the amount of players, then try the refferal program. You can invite players, and you get tokens on the amount of games they play.

For the 24 hr turn game: This is a type of setting where you play a turn, then come back later. Its a popular way of playing risk online, on any site. Most people have to either work, or dont have time to play live games. So you join a 24 hr game, wait till it fills up, then you can take your turn in a convienent time.

If i see you online, then i'll be glad to play a live game with you.
cody224 wrote:
But for right now, i've already reached my maximum of 4 games at a time.