Second conquest
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Dima wrote:
Conquest of the Mediteranean

12 People, attendance score not below 80.

one 6p game: capitals increasing fog.
one 6p game: capitals increasing.
ten 6p games: deathmatch capped 20 fog.

As you can see i have changed the settings. In the past tournament there were problems with capped non-fog games, so i removed them from the tournament.


1 RedArmy
2 dough_boy
3 EvilSinner666
4 Davor
5 KoE_Doja
6 simomosi
7 Ready4war
8 GM_Archie
9 Valhalla
10 Connorkey
11 GeneralHalsey
12 atlantis
"vorple: the real strategy comes when you cant just win cuz you got lucky and got the big card stack"
Dima wrote:
You have 6p death match capped 20 non fog

Yes, but its the only one. If you want, i can make it fog. Tell me
"vorple: the real strategy comes when you cant just win cuz you got lucky and got the big card stack"
Hoodlum wrote:
i hadn't followed the results of the last tournament as i didnt get notifications for it sorry, but the spreadsheet is updated now.
a tie between sygmassacre and problemchild - there were 3 draw games.

also. @simomosi will play any tournament. he will join this one

Dima wrote:
i hadn't followed the results of the last tournament as i didnt get notifications for it sorry, but the spreadsheet is updated now.
a tie between sygmassacre and problemchild - there were 3 draw games.

also. @simomosi will play any tournament. he will join this one

nice, I am on the 3rd place!
"vorple: the real strategy comes when you cant just win cuz you got lucky and got the big card stack"