Mediterranean States Map Masters
8 points for DeathMatch (8 player)
8 points for Domination (8 player)
8 points for Capitals (8 player)
8 points for Assassination (8 player)
1 point for a 1v1
@shaggydog2005. @
@KoE_DojaToken$ Prize 2000 (Hoodlum - auto Donation 1000) (maafi auto Donation 500) *donations accepted * (The-Mad-Beaver 500)
All players are added to games by me and are free.
*First turns in game may be extended or paused.
[b]Mediterranean States[/b] Map Masters
8 points for DeathMatch (8 player)
8 points for Domination (8 player)
8 points for Capitals (8 player)
8 points for Assassination (8 player)
1 point for a 1v1
1. @@dough_boy
2. @@Vicious
3. @@lazer36
4. @@shaggydog200
5. @[url=]The-Mad-Beaver[/url]
6. @@RM_REP
7. @@momagajic
8. @@KoE_Doja
Token$ Prize 2000 (Hoodlum - auto Donation 1000) (maafi auto Donation 500) *donations accepted * (The-Mad-Beaver 500)
All players are added to games by me and are free.
*First turns in game may be extended or paused.