• 4 posts
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kindredparadox wrote:

I can't join a game with more than 2 players. I just know right now when I'm online and someone invited me. The message:

"You are prohibited from joining games with more than two players."

Usually it was normal (can join them).

Kyla wrote:
When your attendance score goes below a certain point you can only play 1v1 games
Administrator wrote:
Hi kindredparadox

A low attendance is considered below 90. Your attendance score is part of your reputation score and you can find it on your profile page.
This is a ban type for players with low attendance & players with a low fair play score. This ban type limits a player to ONLY being able to create or join 2 player games (1v1). They will not be able to join games with 3p+.

Players can get the ban lifted when their score reaches at least 90. They will need to message an admin once reached.
Creating a new account to get around any type of restriction, will likely result in a banned account. Please do not resort to this. You can increase your attendance score by playing time convenient 1v1 games, as long as you do not miss turns.

The 2p only restriction, isn't an unfair ban type, it promotes some value towards the reputation system we have unique to d12. It will improve the quality of 3p+ games. As you will already realize, missed turns highly affects the fairness of 3p+ games. At least in 2p (1v1) games, a missed turn is an advantage and probable win/points for the deserved opponent.

The attendance score is the most accurate reputation score, which calculates automatically. Your score falls, each time a turn is missed. It also climbs a value after every 100 consecutive turns (not missed). It is not hard to increase your attendance score quickly. 1v1 games can be quick to fill, and quick to play. Try your best to take your turns. If connection is a problem, you have the options of 3, 5, 7 minute turns or 24 & 36 hour turns.

Good luck.

missed turns (click to show)