Goals for the new year.
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Hoodlum wrote:
Whats your new years goals?

If you haven't thought about it,, here's an idea from my goal last year.

100 burpees a day!

I am about to successfully complete whole year of 100 burpees a day (200 to go) Before New Years eve, I will have done 36,500 burpees (not including the ones I've done extra in the day in other workouts)

I am personally quite please with this effort, not a day missed, and I'm not sure if I want to stop, change or add another exercise challenge. Some days I've been over it.. but discipline prevailed.

It's no longer an intimidating workout, it's just a warm up now!

Dominating burpees.

*suppose to put this in the off topic threads
Warrant ☰ ★Officer I and a Gentleman
emjaydee wrote:
I join the gym on January 2nd.

I already swim 2.5k twice a week and run 6k once a week. I'm filling the other 2 days with gym workouts.

I'm overweight, so trying to get fit. Although a six pack side-affect would be nice ;)
4960epic wrote:
Does it count if I joined a swim team back in November? we do 5k a night in two hours. 4 to 5 nights a week. 
I dunno if that counts towards New Years, but its activity. lol
Sygmassacre wrote:
My goal is to find a suitable place to raise a baby!!
I'll think about exercise some other time.
A Harmonic Generator Intermodulator
Fendi wrote:
A thinner body and a fatter wallet? I somehow got this mixed up last New Year but now I got a new chance to do it right!
aeronautic wrote:
I'm thinking about taking up smoking. I'm not sure if I will fail to stay addicted, but I'm determined to try, I'm no quitter!
Hyd yn oed er fy mod Cymraeg , dim ond yn siarad Saesneg, felly yr wyf yn gobeithio y bydd y cyfieithu yn gywir.