people who skip their turns out of spite
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badbug wrote:

 I am very annoyed with how many people skip their turns purposely because they are losing. 

 It's very annoying early in games and really quite sad late in games, when you've been battling the same 2 players for 2 hours and then they just skip their final turns making you wait....when they could of just resigned. 

 Players with high enough ranks and hundreds of hundreds of games played, so it's not just new people.

  It's very shameful and shouldn't be tolerated at all, players purposely not resigning because they are mad or want to punish you for beating them or they just have no regard for the time of others.

  It's gross.  It should be treated as just as bad as cheating, these people, repeat offenders should be banned. If you are trying purposely and maliciously to ruin someone elses fun becasue you lost, you shouldn't be here. You shouldn't be wasting people's time. 

  It's super obvious when they leave after a big battle fails or at the end of the game when they don't get a set.  And it's very gross when it's a person with 1000 games played who knows exactly where the resign button is.

Matty wrote:
I agree, and all staff do.
Which means that you can report them (you'll probably have to send one of the admins or moderators a message) and then we can send them a warning.
We won't just ban them for doing this once or twice, but if they do it more often we'll do something about it.
"Strength doesn't lie in numbers, strength doesn't lie in wealth. Strength lies in nights of peaceful slumbers." ~Maria