2 v 2 live game tournament
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huskers01 wrote:
Im interested in starting a 2v2 live game tournament. If you have any interest in this please leave a reply. Must be available for the entire tournament. If everyone plays it should only take a few hours.
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aeronautic wrote:
I see from the forums that you enjoy the team games.

I thought about live tournaments a lot and always thought them impossible. You would have to find players that can spend many hours on the computer uninterrupted.
Then what happens if a game goes to 3 or 4 hours? That would be just 1 round and there would be at least 1 more round for the eventual winners.

Even if you run the next round/final the next day, getting people to all be online at a set time is the biggest issue.
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PsymonStark wrote:
Live tournaments should be done over time, give a week or so for players to agree on a date & time and play whenever they get are all able, and the time limits of a live game would still apply.

It's the only viable way I can think of.
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Hoodlum wrote:
Team games are quickish like a 2p game, so doing a tournament is definitely possible especially for d12 during peak hours of live play. I would expect that you might need to allow for 4 hours plus for yourself as the organizer, and if you are also going to be playing in the games, maybe share the duties in organizing the tourney with someone. players can get impatient, and disappear, then you have to find subs, etc.. you will be multitasking with reading and sending messages and stuff, and it can be quite draining if you aren't use to it. As psymon says, it would be ideal to pre-organize it, especially your first live tournaments, and as you do more, with regular participants, they will understand the drill and they will run smoother.
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huskers01 wrote:
Thx for the feedback. Im going work on this. I think we can make these happen.. thx again
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